import tkinter as tk from tkinter import messagebox, filedialog import configparser import uuid import math import random # Erweiterte Listen mit Vorsilben und Nachsilben VORSILBE = [ "Alt", "Augs", "Ber", "Biele", "Dort", "Dres", "Duel", "Er", "Frank", "Gos", "Gör", "Heil", "Hild", "Jena", "Kass", "Kiel", "Köln", "Linz", "Magde", "Mann", "Mar", "Mittel", "Neu", "Nord", "Ober", "Osna", "Ost", "Reut", "Rost", "Sieger", "Stutt", "Sued", "Unter", "West", "Neub", "Stein", "Zell", "Trier", "Hagen", "Wert" ] NACHSILBE = [ "markt", "burg", "lin", "feld", "mund", "den", "len", "men", "furt", "lar", "litz", "bronn", "heim", "er", "el", "ken", "Rhein", "Delhi", "Hessen", "Bayern", "Pfalz", "brück", "land", "Harz", "lingen", "ock", "land", "gart", "Baden", "Tirol", "Franken", "Sachsen", "Falen", "ner", "stein", "stadt", "bach", "tal", "hof", "en", "ring" ] def generate_random_name(): # Wählt zufällig eine Vorsilbe und eine Nachsilbe aus vorsilbe = random.choice(VORSILBE) nachsilbe = random.choice(NACHSILBE) # Generiert den Namen durch Verknüpfung der Vorsilbe und Nachsilbe name = vorsilbe + nachsilbe return name # Custom ConfigParser class to preserve key case sensitivity class CaseConfigParser(configparser.ConfigParser): def optionxform(self, optionstr): return optionstr # Keep original case class RegionConfigApp: def __init__(self, root): self.root = root self.index = 0 # Set window icon #self.root.iconbitmap("icon.ico") # Set window title self.root.title("Region Configurations") # Set window size self.root.geometry("450x700") # Initialize variables with default values self.region_name = tk.StringVar(value=generate_random_name()) self.region_uuid = tk.StringVar(value=str(uuid.uuid4())) self.maptile_uuid = tk.StringVar(value=self.region_uuid.get()) # Location variable for grid position self.location = tk.StringVar(value="1000,1000") self.size = tk.IntVar(value=256) self.internal_port = tk.IntVar(value=9050) self.external_host = tk.StringVar(value="SYSTEMIP") self.max_prims = tk.IntVar(value=100000) self.max_agents = tk.IntVar(value=99) self.internal_address = tk.StringVar(value="") self.allow_alt_ports = tk.BooleanVar(value=False) self.non_physical_prim_max = tk.IntVar(value=256) self.physical_prim_max = tk.IntVar(value=64) # New variables for additional settings self.clamp_prim_size = tk.BooleanVar(value=False) self.max_prims_per_user = tk.IntVar(value=-1) self.scope_id = tk.StringVar(value=self.region_uuid.get()) self.region_type = tk.StringVar(value="") self.render_min_height = tk.IntVar(value=-1) self.render_max_height = tk.IntVar(value=100) self.maptile_static_file = tk.StringVar(value="SomeFile.png") self.master_avatar_first_name = tk.StringVar(value="John") self.master_avatar_last_name = tk.StringVar(value="Doe") self.master_avatar_sandbox_password = tk.StringVar(value="passwd") self.region_count = 0 # Start at 0 self.angle = 0 self.radius = 1 # Initial radius for spirals self.locations = [] # List to store locations of all regions # Variable for selecting spiral type self.spiral_type = tk.StringVar(value="flower") # Default to "flower" # Trace changes to region_uuid to update maptile_uuid accordingly self.region_uuid.trace_add('write', self.update_maptile_uuid) # Build the UI self.build_ui() def update_maptile_uuid(self, *args): self.maptile_uuid.set(self.region_uuid.get()) def build_ui(self): canvas = tk.Canvas(self.root) scrollbar = tk.Scrollbar(self.root, orient="vertical", command=canvas.yview) scrollable_frame = tk.Frame(canvas) scrollable_frame.bind( "", lambda e: canvas.configure( scrollregion=canvas.bbox("all") ) ) canvas.create_window((0, 0), window=scrollable_frame, anchor="nw") canvas.configure(yscrollcommand=scrollbar.set) canvas.pack(side="left", fill="both", expand=True) scrollbar.pack(side="right", fill="y") fields = [ ("Region Name:", self.region_name), ("Region UUID:", self.region_uuid), ("Location:", self.location), ("Size:", self.size), ("Internal Port:", self.internal_port), ("External Host:", self.external_host), ("Max Prims:", self.max_prims), ("Max Agents:", self.max_agents), ("Maptile UUID:", self.maptile_uuid), ("Internal Address:", self.internal_address), ("Allow Alternate Ports:", self.allow_alt_ports), ("Non-Physical Prim Max:", self.non_physical_prim_max), ("Physical Prim Max:", self.physical_prim_max), ("Clamp Prim Size:", self.clamp_prim_size), ("Max Prims Per User:", self.max_prims_per_user), ("Scope ID:", self.scope_id), ("Region Type:", self.region_type), ("Render Min Height:", self.render_min_height), ("Render Max Height:", self.render_max_height), ("Maptile Static File:", self.maptile_static_file), ("Master Avatar First Name:", self.master_avatar_first_name), ("Master Avatar Last Name:", self.master_avatar_last_name), ("Master Avatar Sandbox Password:", self.master_avatar_sandbox_password), ] for idx, (label_text, var) in enumerate(fields): if isinstance(var, tk.BooleanVar): tk.Checkbutton(scrollable_frame, text=label_text, variable=var).grid(row=idx, column=0, columnspan=2, sticky=tk.W, pady=2, padx=5) else: tk.Label(scrollable_frame, text=label_text).grid(row=idx, column=0, sticky=tk.W, pady=2, padx=5) entry = tk.Entry(scrollable_frame, textvariable=var, width=40) entry.grid(row=idx, column=1, sticky=tk.W, pady=2, padx=5) # Dropdown for spiral selection self.spiral_type = tk.StringVar(value="flower") # Fix: Make sure the initial value of self.spiral_type is set correctly, which is already done with the line tk.Label(scrollable_frame, text="Spiral Type:").grid(row=len(fields), column=0, sticky=tk.W, pady=2, padx=5) spiral_menu = tk.OptionMenu(scrollable_frame, self.spiral_type, "archimedean_spiral1", "archimedean_spiral2", "circle1", "circle2", "fibonacci_spiral", "flower", "grid1", "grid2", "logarithmic_spiral", "logistic", "random1", "random2", "star") spiral_menu.grid(row=len(fields), column=1, sticky=tk.W, pady=2, padx=5) button_frame = tk.Frame(scrollable_frame) button_frame.grid(row=len(fields) + 1, column=0, columnspan=2, pady=10) tk.Button(button_frame, text="Add Region", command=self.add_region).pack(side="left", padx=10) tk.Button(button_frame, text="Save Config", command=self.save_config).pack(side="left", padx=10) def next_flower_spiral_location1(self): # Calculate the next position using a flower-like spiral self.angle += 137.5 # Golden angle in degrees radians = math.radians(self.angle) location_x = 1000 + int(self.radius * math.cos(radians)) location_y = 1000 + int(self.radius * math.sin(radians)) self.radius += 1 # Increment the radius gradually for the next point return location_x, location_y def next_fibonacci_spiral_location(self): # Calculate the next position using the Fibonacci spiral self.angle += 137.5 # Golden angle in degrees radians = math.radians(self.angle) self.radius *= 1.618 # Fibonacci increment location_x = 1000 + int(self.radius * math.cos(radians)) location_y = 1000 + int(self.radius * math.sin(radians)) return location_x, location_y def next_archimedean_spiral_location2(self): self.angle += 10 # Increment angle by a fixed value radians = math.radians(self.angle) location_x = 1000 + int(self.radius * math.cos(radians)) location_y = 1000 + int(self.radius * math.sin(radians)) self.radius += 10 # Increment the radius linearly for a smooth spiral return location_x, location_y def next_logarithmic_spiral_location(self): self.angle += 10 # Increase angle gradually radians = math.radians(self.angle) self.radius *= 1.1 # Exponentially increase the radius location_x = 1000 + int(self.radius * math.cos(radians)) location_y = 1000 + int(self.radius * math.sin(radians)) return location_x, location_y def next_random_location1(self): location_x = random.randint(0, 2000) location_y = random.randint(0, 2000) return location_x, location_y def next_grid_location1(self): location_x = 1000 + (self.index % 10) * 100 # Move horizontally location_y = 1000 + (self.index // 10) * 100 # Move vertically self.index += 1 return location_x, location_y def next_circle_location1(self): self.angle += 36 # Divide 360 degrees by 10 points radians = math.radians(self.angle) radius = 500 # Constant radius location_x = 1000 + int(radius * math.cos(radians)) location_y = 1000 + int(radius * math.sin(radians)) return location_x, location_y def next_star_location(self): self.angle += 144 # Star angle (5 points) radians = math.radians(self.angle) location_x = 1000 + int(self.radius * math.cos(radians)) location_y = 1000 + int(self.radius * math.sin(radians)) return location_x, location_y def next_logistic_function_location(self): self.angle += 10 radians = math.radians(self.angle) K = 2000 # Carrying capacity (limit of growth) location_x = 1000 + int(self.radius * (K / (1 + math.exp(-0.1 * self.angle))) * math.cos(radians)) location_y = 1000 + int(self.radius * (K / (1 + math.exp(-0.1 * self.angle))) * math.sin(radians)) return location_x, location_y def next_grid_location2(self): # Define grid parameters grid_size = 100 # Distance between grid points num_columns = 10 # Number of columns in the grid # Calculate row and column based on the current index row = self.index // num_columns column = self.index % num_columns # Calculate the x, y position location_x = 1000 + column * grid_size location_y = 1000 + row * grid_size # Increment the index for the next call self.index += 1 return location_x, location_y def next_circle_location2(self): num_points = 20 # Total number of points on the circle radius = 200 # Fixed radius of the circle # Calculate the angle for the current point angle = (2 * math.pi / num_points) * self.index location_x = 1000 + int(radius * math.cos(angle)) location_y = 1000 + int(radius * math.sin(angle)) # Increment the index for the next call self.index += 1 return location_x, location_y def next_archimedean_spiral_location1(self): # Increase the angle self.angle += 10 # Change the step size for tighter or looser spirals radians = math.radians(self.angle) # Archimedean spiral equation: r = a + b * theta a = 5 # Adjust this value for initial distance from the center b = 5 # Adjust for spacing between spiral arms self.radius = a + b * self.angle location_x = 1000 + int(self.radius * math.cos(radians)) location_y = 1000 + int(self.radius * math.sin(radians)) return location_x, location_y def next_random_location2(self): # Define the bounds for random placement location_x = random.randint(800, 1200) location_y = random.randint(800, 1200) return location_x, location_y def add_region(self): # Determine which spiral to use location = None if self.spiral_type.get() == "flower": location = self.next_flower_spiral_location1() elif self.spiral_type.get() == "fibonacci_spiral": location = self.next_fibonacci_spiral_location() elif self.spiral_type.get() == "archimedean_spiral1": location = self.next_archimedean_spiral_location1() elif self.spiral_type.get() == "logarithmic_spiral": location = self.next_logarithmic_spiral_location() elif self.spiral_type.get() == "random1": location = self.next_random_location1() elif self.spiral_type.get() == "grid1": location = self.next_grid_location1() elif self.spiral_type.get() == "circle1": location = self.next_circle_location1() elif self.spiral_type.get() == "logistic": location = self.next_logistic_function_location() elif self.spiral_type.get() == "star": location = self.next_star_location() elif self.spiral_type.get() == "grid2": location = self.next_grid_location2() elif self.spiral_type.get() == "circle2": location = self.next_circle_location2() elif self.spiral_type.get() == "archimedean_spiral2": location = self.next_archimedean_spiral_location2() elif self.spiral_type.get() == "random2": location = self.next_random_location2() if location is None: messagebox.showerror("Error", "No spiral selected") return self.locations.append(location) new_uuid = str(uuid.uuid4()) self.region_count += 1 self.region_name.set(generate_random_name()) self.region_uuid.set(new_uuid) self.internal_port.set(self.internal_port.get() + 1) self.location.set(f"{location[0]},{location[1]}") # Update the location messagebox.showinfo("Region Added", f"Region {self.region_name.get()} added. Location: ({location[0]},{location[1]})") def save_config(self): filename = filedialog.asksaveasfilename(defaultextension=".ini", filetypes=[("INI files", "*.ini")]) if not filename:return if filename: config = CaseConfigParser() # Use the custom parser to preserve case for i in range(1, self.region_count + 1): if i == 1: region_name = self.region_name.get() region_uuid = self.region_uuid.get() location_x, location_y = map(int, self.location.get().split(',')) # First region else: region_name = generate_random_name() region_uuid = str(uuid.uuid4()) location_x, location_y = self.locations[i-1] # Specific location for each region config[region_name] = { "RegionUUID": region_uuid, "Location": f"{location_x},{location_y}", "SizeX": self.size.get(), "SizeY": self.size.get(), "SizeZ": self.size.get(), "InternalPort": self.internal_port.get() + (i - 1), "InternalAddress": self.internal_address.get(), "AllowAlternatePorts": str(self.allow_alt_ports.get()), "ExternalHostName": self.external_host.get(), "MaxPrims": self.max_prims.get(), "MaxAgents": self.max_agents.get(), "MaxPrimsPerUser": self.max_prims_per_user.get(), ";MaptileStaticUUID": self.maptile_uuid.get(), ";NonPhysicalPrimMax": self.non_physical_prim_max.get(), ";PhysicalPrimMax": self.physical_prim_max.get(), ";ClampPrimSize": str(self.clamp_prim_size.get()), ";ScopeID": self.scope_id.get(), ";RegionType": self.region_type.get(), ";RenderMinHeight": self.render_min_height.get(), ";RenderMaxHeight": self.render_max_height.get(), ";MaptileStaticFile": self.maptile_static_file.get(), ";MasterAvatarFirstName": self.master_avatar_first_name.get(), ";MasterAvatarLastName": self.master_avatar_last_name.get(), ";MasterAvatarSandboxPassword": self.master_avatar_sandbox_password.get(), } with open(filename, 'w') as configfile: config.write(configfile) messagebox.showinfo("Saved", "Configuration saved successfully.") if __name__ == "__main__": root = tk.Tk() app = RegionConfigApp(root) root.mainloop()