Vor 5 Stunden
Bin entsetzt,..gottseidank hat Ana daraufhin die richtigen Worte gefunden..
Zitat: Andromeda 40m
Hi Dorena, wasn't Hitler left-wing? Every communist denies being a Marxist, which is understandable, since communism is responsible for more than one hundred million deaths on planet Earth. His political party was called the National Socialist German Workers' Party, and all National Socialism was based on Marx. Hitler was a heterodox Marxist who tried to implement a socialist utopia. On August 15, 1920, in Munich, Hitler stated, We are socialists and therefore we must necessarily be anti-Semitic because we want to fight against the exact opposite of socialism, materialism and mammonism. The audience burst into applause. Hitler continued, How is it possible not to be anti-Semitic when you are a socialist! There will come a day when it will be obvious that socialism can only be implemented if it is accompanied by nationalism and anti-Semitism. Another strong indication was the launch of the Tag der Arbeit coin in 1934, which had the hammer and sickle as its symbol. Wasn't Hitler left-wing? https://www.ilisp.org/artigos/hitler-o-m...heterodoxo... https://turmadahistoria.blogspot.com/202...uriosa-ver...
Zitat: Anachron 13m
I hardly ever seen a worse twist-up of reality.
"Every communist denies being a Marxist" - but Marx wrote the Communist Manifesto which actually is the start of communism after all ...
The denomination of "left" and "right" came about the seating order in the parliament of the Weimar Republic ... and guess who sat on the far right side? It was the NSDAP! And the communists sat on the opposite side - hence they are to this day called the left.
That Hitler called his party "National Socialist German Workers Party" is nothing but an attempt to cover all of the people in Germany under their realm - it doesnt mean he really ever was a socialist. Anybody can put any label on himself and a villain will always label himself as "the most innocent man".
The attempt of the AfD to spread the narrative of Hitler being a communist is clearly nothing but desinformation. Its fog on the battlefield so you and I would no longer see through. The idea is to discourage you from caring for politics anymore (and it worked for many quite well unfortunately) so they can have their way and enslave all of us.