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OpenSim development branch moves to 0.9.0

Test die 2.Wink) Erstmal eine OAR mit viiiieeelll Mesch hochladen, klappert 1A, und oh Wunder man kann die Treppen wieder vernuenftig laufen und es wirkt auch in der EgoPerspektive(Mouselook) sehr real, denn man merkt das man eine Treppe hochgeht und nicht hochschwebt, wie es sonst wirkt, aber das ist nebensache der ein Mags So der andere so.

Nun denn habe dann mal mein Avi ein wenig neu ausgestattet, ab nach Dorenas World Santiago, wunderbar, klappte wie immer auf Anhieb, mal hier mal da was kaufen und dannn, ab wieder nachhause.................. mieeeeppp, geht net, der Ruecktransport klappert nichtWink , ok, kennen wir schon gabs immer schonmal, worans lliegt weiss ich net.

Versucht mit CtrLAlt Studio und CoolVL die beiden denke ich mal Standardviewer. Also dann relog, wieder zuhause und schauen wir mal ins Inventar.... Super alles gekaufte ist da und funktioniert und ist nutzbar. Umziehen und ab in die naechste Welt, ach nehmen wir mal das OSgrid*g* , transport 1a, sofort und schnell, wieder zurueck? ..miiieeep... auch nicht obwohls ne 090 ist. *lach*

Derzeit jedenfalls muss ich sagen, ist ja zu kurz der Test fuer mehr Urteil ,find ich nur diesen Nachteil des nicht Nachhause kommens, Physik GUT, Avi-Komplett nach Crash, oder Relog GUT ,Klamotten gekauft und auch funzend vorhanden GUT.
Problem, zumindest scheinbar, einiges Rot bei den Scripten, obwohl sie eigentlich laufen, einige Scheinen das aber net zu tun muss mal schauen welche, da ich nur gesehen habe das folgende Meldung kam, kann aber auch irgendein Fehler bei mir sein.

bei System.IO.__Error.WinIOError(Int32 errorCode, String maybeFullPath)
bei System.IO.File.InternalDelete(String path, Boolean checkHost)
bei OpenSim.Region.ScriptEngine.Shared.CodeTools.Compiler.DeleteOldFiles() in c:\Users\Nightangel\Desktop\new World\New Nightworld 0.9.0\Region 1-24-11-2015-09\Region 1 090\OpenSim\Region\ScriptEngine\Shared\CodeTools\Compiler.cs:Zeile 233.
2015-11-26 19:10:01,862 ERROR (1) - OpenSim.Region.ScriptEngine.Shared.CodeTools.Compiler [Compiler]: Exception trying delete old script file "ScriptEngines\048ef4a9-acf0-4654-a6eb-7600721d9a5c\CommonCompiler_compiled_4ba7545d-756f-4ef4-afc7-a5291227167a.dll": System.UnauthorizedAccessException: Der Zugriff auf den Pfad "C:\Users\Nightangel\Desktop\new World\New Nightworld 0.9.0\Region 1-24-11-2015-09\Region 1 090\bin\ScriptEngines\048ef4a9-acf0-4654-a6eb-7600721d9a5c\CommonCompiler_compiled_4ba7545d-756f-4ef4-afc7-a5291227167a.dll" wurde verweigert.

Ich schau weiter und melde mich natuerlich wenn ich weiteres gefunden habe, bis dahin viel Spass mit der 090 und einfach mal abwarten was kommt

Nichts im Leben ist ein Muss!!!!!!!!!!!..............Alles ein Kann!!!
Huhu Ezry, das sieht nach einem Berechtigungsproblem aus. Der Benutzer, der den OpenSim-Server gestartet hat, hat keine Berechtigung Dateien im Verzeichnis "C:\Users\Nightangel\Desktop\new World\New Nightworld 0.9.0\Region 1-24-11-2015-09\Region 1 090\bin\ScriptEngines\048ef4a9-acf0-4654-a6eb-7600721d9a5c\CommonCompiler_compiled_4ba7545d-756f-4ef4-afc7-a5291227167a.dll" zu löschen. Ich tippe darauf, dass die Skriptengine Skripte neu kompilieren muss aber die kompilierten .DLLs nicht abspeichern kann, weil das Schreibrecht fehlt, oder weil die Datei bereits existiert und nicht gelöscht werden kann.



kann sein , da ich aber mur den Administrator nutze, und das bisher ging wundere ich mich
allerdings passiert das auch bei Arriba hin und wieder, da hilft dann komischerweise eim Rechner neustart, diesmal aber nicht, deshalb sag ich ja, kann auch ein Fehler bei mir sein,

Nichts im Leben ist ein Muss!!!!!!!!!!!..............Alles ein Kann!!!
(26.11.2015, 19:26)Freaky Tech schrieb: welche Mono?

hier mal eine kleine Auswahl 4.0.0, 4.0.1, 4.0.2, 4.0.3,,, usw.

Mono 4.2.1
Have a nice Day ;D

>> BogusMusikRausch jeweils Donnerstag um 20 Uhr in Uwes KeulenBar


Bogus | | M:
Hallo zusammen ;D

Ich teste grade selbst die 0.9er, aktuelle Git Repo Version, Mono 4.2.1 unter Linux Mint 17.2.

Wenn ich von meiner Seite dores Grid anwähle mit, dann findet er die Region, kann aber nicht tpen, kommt meldung kann nicht indentifizieren.

Hier meine Ini Dateien


; This is the main configuration file for an instance of OpenSim running in standalone mode

    ; ### Choose the DB

    ; SQLite
    Include-Storage = "config-include/storage/SQLiteStandalone.ini";

    ; MySql
    ; Uncomment these lines if you want to use mysql storage
    ; Change the connection string to your db details
    ;StorageProvider = "OpenSim.Data.MySQL.dll"
    ;ConnectionString = "Data Source=localhost;Database=opensim;User ID=opensim;Password=***;Old Guids=true;"

    ; Uncomment this line if you are using MySQL and want to use a different database for estates.
    ; The usual application for this is to allow estates to be spread out across multiple simulators by share the same database.
    ; Most people won't need to do this so only uncomment if you know what you're doing.
    ;EstateConnectionString = "Data Source=localhost;Database=opensim;User ID=opensim;Password=***;Old Guids=true;"

    ; MSSQL
    ; Uncomment these lines if you want to use MSSQL storage
    ; Change the connection string to your db details
    ; The value for server property is shown in your SQL Server Management Studio login dialog.
    ; (This sample is the default of express edition)
    ;StorageProvider = "OpenSim.Data.MSSQL.dll"
    ;ConnectionString = "Server=localhost\SQLEXPRESS;Database=opensim;User Id=opensim; password=***;"

    ; PGSQL
    ; Uncomment these lines if you want to use PGSQL storage
    ; Change the connection string to your db details
    ;StorageProvider = "OpenSim.Data.PGSQL.dll"
    ;ConnectionString = "Server=localhost;Database=opensim;User Id=opensim; password=***;"

    ; Uncomment the variables in this section only if you are in
    ; Hypergrid configuration. Otherwise, ignore.

    ;# {HomeURI} {Hypergrid} {The Home URL of this world} {}
    ;; If this is a standalone world, this is the address of this instance.
    ;; If this is a grided simulator, this is the address of the external robust server that
    ;; runs the UserAgentsService.
    ;; For example or
    ;; This is a default that can be overwritten in some sections.
    HomeURI = "${Const|BaseURL}:${Const|PublicPort}"

    ;# {GatekeeperURI} {Hypergrid} {The URL of the gatekeeper of this world} {}
    ;; If this is a standalone world, this is the address of this instance.
    ;; If this is a grided simulator, this is the address of the external robust server
    ;; that runs the Gatekeeper service.
    ;; For example or
    ;; This is a default that can be overwritten in some sections.
    GatekeeperURI = "${Const|BaseURL}:${Const|PublicPort}"

    ;; Choose one cache module and the corresponding config file, if it exists.
    ;; Copy the config .example file into your own .ini file and alter that
    ;; We recommend the use of the FlotsamAssetCache since this is most actively maintained.

    AssetCaching = "FlotsamAssetCache"
    Include-FlotsamCache = "config-include/FlotsamCache.ini"

    ;AssetCaching = "CenomeMemoryAssetCache"
    Include-CenomeCache = "config-include/CenomeCache.ini"

    ;AssetCaching = "GlynnTuckerAssetCache"

    ;; Authorization is not on by default, as it depends on external php
    AuthorizationServices = "LocalAuthorizationServicesConnector"

    DefaultAssetLoader = "OpenSim.Framework.AssetLoader.Filesystem.dll"
    AssetLoaderArgs = "assets/AssetSets.xml"

    ;; For in-memory region storage (default)
    StorageProvider = "OpenSim.Data.Null.dll:NullRegionData"
    ;;--- For MySql region storage (alternative)
    ;StorageProvider = "OpenSim.Data.MySQL.dll:MySqlRegionData"

    ;; Directory for map tile images of remote regions
    ; MapTileDirectory = "./maptiles"

    ;; Next, we can specify properties of regions, including default and fallback regions
    ;; The syntax is: Region_<RegionName> = "<flags>"
    ;; where <flags> can be DefaultRegion, FallbackRegion, NoDirectLogin, Persistent, LockedOut
    ;; DefaultRegion    If a local login cannot be placed in the required region (e.g. home region does not exist, avatar is not allowed entry, etc.)
    ;;                  then this region becomes the destination.  Only the first online default region will be used.  If no DefaultHGRegion
    ;;                  is specified then this will also be used as the region for hypergrid connections that require it (commonly because they have not specified
    ;;                  an explicit region.
    ;; DefaultHGRegion  If an avatar connecting via the hypergrid does not specify a region, then they are placed here.  Only the first online
    ;;                  region will be used.
    ;; FallbackRegion   If the DefaultRegion is not available for a local login, then any FallbackRegions are tried instead.  These are tried in the
    ;;                  order specified.  This only applies to local logins at this time, not Hypergrid connections.
    ;; NoDirectLogin    A hypergrid user cannot directly connect to this region.  This does not apply to local logins.
    ;; Persistent       When the simulator is shutdown, the region is signalled as offline but left registered on the grid.
    ;; For example:
    Region_Chaoslands = "DefaultRegion, FallbackRegion"

    ;; Allow supporting viewers to export content
    ;; Set to false to prevent export
    ExportSupported = true

    ; === HG ONLY ===
    ;; If you have this set under [Hypergrid], no need to set it here, leave it commented
    ; GatekeeperURI="${Const|BaseURL}:${Const|PublicPort}"

    ; Set this if you want to change the name of the OpenSim Library
    ;LibraryName = "My World's Library"

    WelcomeMessage = "Willkommen, Avatar!"
    ;; If you have Gatekeeper set under [Hypergrid], no need to set it here, leave it commented
    GatekeeperURI = "${Const|BaseURL}:${Const|PublicPort}"

    SRV_HomeURI = "${Const|BaseURL}:${Const|PublicPort}"    
    SRV_InventoryServerURI = "${Const|BaseURL}:${Const|PublicPort}"
    SRV_AssetServerURI = "${Const|BaseURL}:${Const|PublicPort}"
    SRV_ProfileServerURI = "${Const|BaseURL}:${Const|PublicPort}"
    SRV_FriendsServerURI = "${Const|BaseURL}:${Const|PublicPort}"
    SRV_IMServerURI = "${Const|BaseURL}:${Const|PublicPort}"

    ;; For Viewer 2
    MapTileURL = "${Const|BaseURL}:${Const|PublicPort}/"

    ; Url to search service
    ; SearchURL = "${Const|BaseURL}:${Const|PublicPort}";

    ; For V3 destination guide
    ; DestinationGuide = "${Const|BaseURL}/guide"

    ; The minimum user level required for a user to be able to login.  0 by default
    ; If you disable a particular user's account then you can set their login level below this number.
    ; You can also change this level from the console though these changes will not be persisted.
    ; MinLoginLevel = 0

    ;; Ask co-operative viewers to use a different currency name
    ;Currency = ""

    ;; Set minimum fee to publish classified
    ; ClassifiedFee = 0

    ; Basic Login Service Dos Protection Tweaks
    ; ;
    ; ; Some Grids/Users use a transparent proxy that makes use of the X-Forwarded-For HTTP Header, If you do, set this to true
    ; ; If you set this to true and you don't have a transparent proxy, it may allow attackers to put random things in the X-Forwarded-For header to
    ; ;     get around this basic DOS protection.
    ; DOSAllowXForwardedForHeader = false
    ; ;
    ; ; The protector adds up requests during this rolling period of time, default 10 seconds
    ; DOSRequestTimeFrameMS = 10000
    ; ;
    ; ; The amount of requests in the above timeframe from the same endpoint that triggers protection
    ; DOSMaxRequestsInTimeFrame = 5
    ; ;
    ; ; The amount of time that a specific endpoint is blocked.    Default 2 minutes.
    ; DOSForgiveClientAfterMS = 120000
    ; ;
    ; ; To turn off basic dos protection, set the DOSMaxRequestsInTimeFrame to 0.

    ;; If FreeSWITCH is not being used then you don't need to set any of these parameters
    ;; The IP address of your FreeSWITCH server.  The common case is for this to be the same as the server running the OpenSim standalone
    ;; This has to be set for the FreeSWITCH service to work
    ;; This address must be reachable by viewers.
    ;ServerAddress =

    ;; The following configuration parameters are optional

    ;; By default, this is the same as the ServerAddress
    ; Realm =

    ;; By default, this is the same as the ServerAddress on port 5060
    ; SIPProxy =

    ;; Default is 5000ms
    ; DefaultTimeout = 5000

    ;; The dial plan context.  Default is "default"
    ; Context = default

    ;; Currently unused
    ; UserName = freeswitch

    ;; Currently unused
    ; Password = password

    ;; The following parameters are for STUN = Simple Traversal of UDP through NATs
    ;; See
    ;; is not guaranteed to be running so use it in
    ;; production at your own risk    
    ; EchoServer =
    ; EchoPort = 50505
    ; AttemptSTUN = false

    ; These settings are used to return information on a get_grid_info call.
    ; Client launcher scripts and third-party clients make use of this to
    ; autoconfigure the client and to provide a nice user experience. If you
    ; want to facilitate that, you should configure the settings here according
    ; to your grid or standalone setup.
    ; See

    ; login uri: for grid this is the login server URI
    login = ${Const|BaseURL}:${Const|PublicPort}/

    ; long grid name: the long name of your grid
    gridname = "ChaosLands"

    ; short grid name: the short name of your grid
    gridnick = "chaoslands-std"

    ; login page: optional: if it exists it will be used to tell the client to use
    ; this as splash page. May also be served from an external web server, e.g. for
    ; information on a standalone
    ;welcome = ${Const|BaseURL}/welcome

    ; helper uri: optional: if it exists it will be used to tell the client to use
    ;                       this for all economy related things
    ;economy = ${Const|BaseURL}/economy

    ; web page of grid: optional: page providing further information about your grid
    ;about = ${Const|BaseURL}/about

    ; account creation: optional: page providing further information about obtaining
    ;                             a user account on your grid
    ;register = ${Const|BaseURL}/register

    ; help: optional: page providing further assistance for users of your grid
    ;help = ${Const|BaseURL}/help

    ; password help: optional: page providing password assistance for users of your grid
    ;password = ${Const|BaseURL}/password

    ; HG address of the gatekeeper, if you have one
    ; this is the entry point for all the regions of the world
    gatekeeper = ${Const|BaseURL}:${Const|PublicPort}/

    ; HG user domain, if you have one
    ; this is the entry point for all user-related HG services
    uas = ${Const|BaseURL}:${Const|PublicPort}/

    ; Set this if you want to change the default
    TilesStoragePath = "maptiles"

    ; If you have regions with access restrictions
    ; specify them here using the convention
    ; Region_<Region_Name> = <flags>
    ; Valid flags are:
    ; DisallowForeigners -- HG visitors not allowed
    ; DisallowResidents -- only Admins and Managers allowed
    ; Example:
    ; Region_Test_1 = "DisallowForeigners"

;; HG configurations
    ;; If you have GatekeeperURI set under [Hypergrid], no need to set it here, leave it commented
    ; ExternalName = "${Const|BaseURL}:${Const|PublicPort}"

    ; Does this grid allow incoming links to any region in it?
    ; If false, HG TPs happen only to the  Default regions specified in [GridService] section
    AllowTeleportsToAnyRegion = true

    ;; Regular expressions for controlling which client versions are accepted/denied.
    ;; An empty string means nothing is checked.
    ;; Example 1: allow only these 3 types of clients (any version of them)
    ;; AllowedClients = "Imprudence|Hippo|Second Life"
    ;; Example 2: allow all clients except these
    ;; DeniedClients = "Twisted|Crawler|Cryolife|FuckLife|StreetLife|GreenLife|AntiLife|KORE-Phaze|Synlyfe|Purple Second Life|SecondLi |Emerald"
    ;; Note that these are regular expressions, so every character counts.
    ;; Also note that this is very weak security and should not be trusted as a reliable means
    ;; for keeping bad clients out; modified clients can fake their identifiers.
    ;AllowedClients = ""
    ;DeniedClients = ""

    ;; Are foreign visitors allowed?
    ;ForeignAgentsAllowed = true
    ;; If ForeignAgentsAllowed is true, make exceptions using AllowExcept.
    ;; Leave blank or commented for no exceptions.
    ; AllowExcept = ","
    ;; If ForeignAgentsAllowed is false, make exceptions using DisallowExcept
    ;; Leave blank or commented for no exceptions.
    ; DisallowExcept = ","

    ;; User level required to be contacted from other grids
    ;LevelOutsideContacts = 0

    ;; Restrictions on destinations of local users.
    ;; Are local users allowed to visit other grids?
    ;; What user level? Use variables of this forrm:
    ;; ForeignTripsAllowed_Level_<UserLevel> = true | false
    ;; (the default is true)
    ;; For example:
    ; ForeignTripsAllowed_Level_0 = false
    ; ForeignTripsAllowed_Level_200 = true ; true is default, no need to say it
    ;; If ForeignTripsAllowed is false, make exceptions using DisallowExcept
    ;; Leave blank or commented for no exceptions.
    ; DisallowExcept_Level_0 = ","
    ;; If ForeignTripsAllowed is true, make exceptions using AllowExcept.
    ;; Leave blank or commented for no exceptions.
    ; AllowExcept_Level_200 = ","

    ;; This variable controls what is exposed to profiles of local users
    ;; as seen from outside of this grid. Leave it uncommented for exposing
    ;; UserTitle, UserFlags and the creation date. Uncomment and change to False
    ;; to block this info from being exposed.
    ShowUserDetailsInHGProfile = True

    ;; If you have this set under [Hypergrid], no need to set it here, leave it commented
    HomeURI = "${Const|BaseURL}:${Const|PublicPort}"

    ;; If you have this set under [Hypergrid], no need to set it here, leave it commented
    HomeURI = "${Const|BaseURL}:${Const|PublicPort}"

    ;; The asset types that this grid can export to / import from other grids.
    ;; Comma separated.
    ;; Valid values are all the asset types in OpenMetaverse.AssetType, namely:
    ;; Unknown, Texture, Sound, CallingCard, Landmark, Clothing, Object, Notecard, LSLText,
    ;; LSLBytecode, TextureTGA, Bodypart, SoundWAV, ImageTGA, ImageJPEG, Animation, Gesture, Mesh
    ;; Leave blank or commented if you don't want to apply any restrictions.
    ;; A more strict, but still reasonable, policy may be to disallow the exchange
    ;; of scripts, like so:
    ; DisallowExport ="LSLText"
    ; DisallowImport ="LSLBytecode"

    ;; If you have these set under [Hypergrid], no need to set it here, leave it commented
    HomeURI = "${Const|BaseURL}:${Const|PublicPort}"
    GatekeeperURI = "${Const|BaseURL}:${Const|PublicPort}"

    ;; If you want to protect your assets from being copied by foreign visitors
    ;; uncomment the next line. You may want to do this on sims that have licensed content.
    ;; true = allow exports, false = disallow exports. True by default.
    ; OutboundPermission = True

    ;; Send visual reminder to local users that their inventories are unavailable while they are traveling
    ;; and available when they return. True by default.
    ;RestrictInventoryAccessAbroad = True

    ; User level required to be able to send friendship invitations to foreign users
    ;LevelHGFriends = 0;

    ; === HG ONLY ===
    ;; If you have this set under [Hypergrid], no need to set it here, leave it commented
    GatekeeperURI = "${Const|BaseURL}:${Const|PublicPort}"

    ;; User level from which local users are allowed to HG teleport. Default 0 (all users)
    ;LevelHGTeleport = 0

    ;; Are local users restricted from taking their appearance abroad?
    ;; Default is no restrictions
    ;RestrictAppearanceAbroad = false

    ;; If appearance is restricted, which accounts' appearances are allowed to be exported?
    ;; Comma-separated list of account names
    AccountForAppearance = "Test User, Astronaut Smith"

    ;; To use, set Enabled to true then configure for your site...
    Enabled = false
    LocalServiceModule = "OpenSim.Services.UserProfilesService.dll:UserProfilesService"

    ;; Configure this for separate databse
    ; ConnectionString = "Data Source=localhost;Database=opensim;User ID=opensim;Password=***;Old Guids=true;"
    ; Realm = UserProfiles

    UserAccountService = OpenSim.Services.UserAccountService.dll:UserAccountService
    AuthenticationServiceModule = "OpenSim.Services.AuthenticationService.dll:PasswordAuthenticationService"


Next Post *gg
Have a nice Day ;D

>> BogusMusikRausch jeweils Donnerstag um 20 Uhr in Uwes KeulenBar


Bogus | | M:
;; This is the main configuration file for OpenSimulator.
;; If it's named OpenSim.ini then it will be loaded by OpenSimulator.
;; If it's named OpenSim.ini.example then you will need to copy it to
;; OpenSim.ini first (if that file does not already exist)
;; Once you have copied OpenSim.ini.example to OpenSim.ini you will at least
;; need to set the constants in the [Const] section and pick an architecture
;; in the [Architecture] section at the end of this file. The architecture
;; will require a suitable .ini file in the config-include directory, either
;; StandaloneCommon.ini or GridCommon.ini which you can copy and modify from the
;; available .example files.
;; The settings in this file are in the form "<key> = <value>".  For example,
;; save_crashes = false in the [Startup] section below.
;; All settings are initially commented out and the default value used, as
;; found in OpenSimDefaults.ini.  To change a setting, first uncomment it by
;; deleting the initial semicolon (;) and then change the value.  This will
;; override the value in OpenSimDefaults.ini
;; If you want to find out what configuration OpenSimulator has finished with
;; once all the configuration files are loaded then type "config show" on the
;; region console command line.
;; All leading white space is ignored, but preserved.
;; Double semicolons denote a text comment
;; ;# denotes a configuration directive description
;;    formatted as:
;;    {option} {depends on} {question to ask} {choices} default value
;;    Any text comments following the declaration, up to the next blank line.
;;    will be copied to the generated file (NOTE: generation is not yet
;;    implemented)
;;    A * in the choices list will allow an empty entry.
;;    An empty question will set the default if the dependencies are
;;    satisfied.
;; ;  denotes a commented out option.
;;    Any options added to OpenSim.ini.example should be initially commented
;;    out.

    ; For a grid these will usually be the externally accessible IP/DNS
    ; name and use default public port 8002 and default private port 8003
    ; For a standalone this will usually be the externally accessible IP/DNS
    ; name and use default public port 9000. The private port is not used
    ; in the configuration for a standalone.

    ;# {BaseURL} {} {BaseURL} {"" ""} ""
    BaseURL =
    ;# {PublicPort} {} {PublicPort} {8002 9000} "8002"
    PublicPort = "8002"

    ;# {PrivatePort} {} {PrivatePort} {8003} "8003"
    PrivatePort = "8003"

    ;# {ConsolePrompt} {} {ConsolePrompt} {} "Region (\R) "
    ;; Console prompt
    ;; Certain special characters can be used to customize the prompt
    ;; Currently, these are
    ;; \R - substitute region name
    ;; \\ - substitute \
    ; ConsolePrompt = "Region (\R) "

    ;# {ConsoleHistoryFileEnabled} {} {Save console commands to a history file?} {true false} true
    ;; Console commands can be saved to a file, so the command history persists after a restart. (default is false)
    ; ConsoleHistoryFileEnabled = true

    ;# {ConsoleHistoryFile} {} {Filename in which to save history} {} OpenSimConsoleHistory.txt
    ;; The history file can be just a filename (relative to OpenSim's bin/ directory
    ;; or it can be a full path to somewhere else. (default is OpenSimConsoleHistory.txt in bin/)
    ; ConsoleHistoryFile = "OpenSimConsoleHistory.txt"

    ;# {ConsoleHistoryFileLines} {} {How many lines of history to save?} {} 100
    ;; How many lines of command history should we keep? (default is 100)
    ; ConsoleHistoryFileLines = 100

    ;# {save_crashes} {} {Save crashes to disk?} {true false} false
    ;; Set this to true if you want to log crashes to disk
    ;; this can be useful when submitting bug reports.
    ;; However, this will only log crashes within OpenSimulator that cause the
    ;; entire program to exit
    ;; It will not log crashes caused by virtual machine failures, which
    ;; includes mono and ODE failures.
    ;; You will need to capture these native stack traces by recording the
    ;; session log itself.
    ; save_crashes = false

    ;# {crash_dir} {save_crashes:true} {Directory to save crashes to?} {} crashes
    ;; Directory to save crashes to if above is enabled
    ;; (default is /opensimdir/crashes/*.txt or C:\opensim\crashes\*.txt)
    ; crash_dir = "crashes"

    ;# {PIDFile} {} {Path to PID file?} {}
    ;; Place to create a PID file
    ; PIDFile = "/tmp/"

    ;# {RegistryLocation} {} {Addins Registry Location} {}
    ; Set path to directory for addin registry if you want addins outside of bin.  
    ; Information about the registered repositories and installed plugins will
    ; be stored here. The OpenSim.exe process must have R/W access to the location.
    ; RegistryLocation = "."

    ;# {ConfigDirectory} {} {Set path to directory for modular ini files} {}
    ; Used by region module addins. You can set this to outside bin, so that addin
    ; configurations will survive updates. The OpenSim.exe process must have R/W access
    ; to the location.
    ; ConfigDirectory = "."

    ;# {region_info_source} {} {Where to load region from?} {filesystem web} filesystem
    ;; Determine where OpenSimulator looks for the files which tell it
    ;; which regions to server
    ;; Default is "filesystem"
    ; region_info_source = "filesystem"
    ; region_info_source = "web"
    ;# {regionload_regionsdir} {region_info_source} {Location of file?} {} Regions
    ;; Determines where the region XML files are stored if you are loading
    ;; these from the filesystem.
    ;; Defaults to bin/Regions in your OpenSimulator installation directory
    ; regionload_regionsdir="C:\somewhere\xmlfiles\"

    ;# {regionload_webserver_url} {region_info_source} {URL to load region from?} {}
    ;; Determines the page from which regions xml is retrieved if you are
    ;; loading these from the web.
    ;; The XML here has the same format as it does on the filesystem
    ;; (including the <Root> tag), except that everything is also enclosed
    ;; in a <Regions> tag.
    ; regionload_webserver_url = "";

    ;# {allow_regionless} {} {Allow simulator to start up with no regions configured.} {true false} false
    ;; Allow the simulator to start up if there are no region configuration available
    ;; from the selected region_info_source.
    ; allow_regionless = false

    ;# {NonPhysicalPrimMin} {} {Minimum size of nonphysical prims?} {} 0.001
    ;; Minimum size for non-physical prims.  Affects resizing of existing
    ;; prims.  This can be overridden in the region config file (as
    ;; NonPhysicalPrimMin!).
    ; NonPhysicalPrimMin = 0.001

    ;# {NonPhysicalPrimMax} {} {Maximum size of nonphysical prims?} {} 256
    ;; Maximum size for non-physical prims.  Affects resizing of existing
    ;; prims. This can be overridden in the region config file (as
    ;; NonPhysicalPrimMax!).
    ; NonPhysicalPrimMax = 256

    ;# {PhysicalPrimMin} {} {Minimum size of physical prims?} {} 0.01
    ;; Minimum size where a prim can be physical.  Affects resizing of
    ;; existing prims.  This can be overridden in the region config file.
    ; PhysicalPrimMin = 0.01

    ;# {PhysicalPrimMax} {} {Maximum size of physical prims?} {} 64
    ;; Maximum size where a prim can be physical.  Affects resizing of
    ;; existing prims.  This can be overridden in the region config file.
    ; PhysicalPrimMax = 64

    ;# {ClampPrimSize} {} {Clamp viewer rezzed prims to max sizes?} {true false} false
    ;; If a viewer attempts to rez a prim larger than the non-physical or
    ;; physical prim max, clamp the dimensions to the appropriate maximum
    ;; This can be overridden in the region config file.
    ; ClampPrimSize = false

    ;# {LinksetPrims} {} {Max prims an object will hold?} {} 0
    ;; Maximum number of prims allowable in a linkset. Affects creating new
    ;; linksets. Ignored if less than or equal to zero.
    ;; This can be overridden in the region config file.
    ; LinksetPrims = 0

    ;# {AllowScriptCrossing} {} {Allow scripts to cross into this region} {true false} true
    ;; Allow scripts to keep running when they cross region boundaries, rather
    ;; than being restarted.  State is reloaded on the destination region.
    ;; This only applies when crossing to a region running in a different
    ;; simulator.  
    ;; For crossings where the regions are on the same simulator the script is
    ;; always kept running.
    ; AllowScriptCrossing = true

    ;# {TrustBinaries} {AllowScriptCrossing:true} {Accept compiled binary script code? (DANGEROUS!)} {true false} false
    ;; Allow compiled script binary code to cross region boundaries.
    ;; If you set this to "true", any region that can teleport to you can
    ;; inject ARBITRARY BINARY CODE into your system. Use at your own risk.
    ; TrustBinaries = false

    ;# {CombineContiguousRegions} {} {Create megaregions where possible? (Do not use with existing content or varregions!)} {true false} false
    ;; Combine all contiguous regions into one large megaregion
    ;; Order your regions from South to North, West to East in your regions.ini
    ;; and then set this to true
    ;; Warning!  Don't use this with regions that have existing content!,
    ;; This will likely break them
    ;; Also, this setting should be set to false for varregions as they are proper larger single regions rather than combined smaller regions.
    ; CombineContiguousRegions = false

    ;# {InworldRestartShutsDown} {} {Shutdown instance on region restart?} {true false} false
    ;; If you have only one region in an instance, or to avoid the many bugs
    ;; that you can trigger in modules by restarting a region, set this to
    ;; true to make the entire instance exit instead of restarting the region.
    ;; This is meant to be used on systems where some external system like
    ;; Monit will restart any instance that exits, thereby making the shutdown
    ;; into a restart.
    InworldRestartShutsDown = true

    ;; Persistence of changed objects happens during regular sweeps. The
    ;; following control that behaviour to prevent frequently changing objects
    ;; from heavily loading the region data store.
    ;; If both of these values are set to zero then persistence of all changed
    ;; objects will happen on every sweep.

    ;# {MinimumTimeBeforePersistenceConsidered} {} {Time before un-changed object may be persisted} {} 60
    ;; Objects will be considered for persistance in the next sweep when they
    ;; have not changed for this number of seconds.
    ; MinimumTimeBeforePersistenceConsidered = 60

    ;# {MaximumTimeBeforePersistenceConsidered} {} {Time before changed objects may be persisted?} {} 600
    ;; Objects will always be considered for persistance in the next sweep
    ;; if the first change occurred this number of seconds ago.
    ; MaximumTimeBeforePersistenceConsidered = 600

    ;# {physical_prim} {} {Allow prims to be physical?} {true false} true
    ;; if you would like to allow prims to be physical and move by physics
    ;; with the physical checkbox in the client set this to true.
    ; physical_prim = true

    ;; Select a mesher here.
    ;; Meshmerizer properly handles complex prims by using triangle meshes.
    ;; Note that only the ODE physics engine currently deals with meshed
    ;; prims in a satisfactory way.

    ;# {meshing} {} {Select mesher} {Meshmerizer ZeroMesher} Meshmerizer
    ;; ZeroMesher is faster but leaves the physics engine to model the mesh
    ;; using the basic shapes that it supports.
    ;; Usually this is only a box.
    ;; Default is Meshmerizer
    ; meshing = Meshmerizer
    ; meshing = ZeroMesher
    ;; select ubODEMeshmerizer only with ubOde physics engine
    ; meshing = ubODEMeshmerizer
    ;; Choose one of the physics engines below
    ;# {physics} {} {Select physics engine} {OpenDynamicsEngine BulletSim basicphysics POS} BulletSim
    ;; BulletSim is the default physics engine.  It provides the best performance and most functionality.
    ;; BulletSim supports varregions.
    ;; OpenDynamicsEngine was the previous default physics engine in OpenSimulator and before.  
    ;; It continues to provide a workable physics implementation.  It does not currently support varregions.
    ;; basicphysics effectively does not model physics at all, making all objects phantom.  
    ;; Default is BulletSim
    ; physics = OpenDynamicsEngine
    ; physics = BulletSim
    ; physics = basicphysics
    ; physics = POS
    ;; alternative OpenDynamicsEngine engine. ubODEMeshmerizer meshing above MUST be selected also
     physics = ubODE

    ;# {DefaultScriptEngine} {} {Default script engine} {XEngine} XEngine
    ;; Default script engine to use. Currently, we only have XEngine
    ; DefaultScriptEngine = "XEngine"

    ;# {HttpProxy} {} {Proxy URL for llHTTPRequest and dynamic texture loading} {}
    ;; Http proxy setting for llHTTPRequest and dynamic texture loading, if
    ;; required
    ; HttpProxy = ""

    ;# {HttpProxyExceptions} {HttpProxy} {Set of regular expressions defining URL that should not be proxied} {}
    ;; If you're using HttpProxy, then you can set HttpProxyExceptions to a
    ;; list of regular expressions for URLs that you don't want to go through
    ;; the proxy.
    ;; For example, servers inside your firewall.
    ;; Separate patterns with a ';'
    ; HttpProxyExceptions = ";localhost"

    ;# {emailmodule} {} {Provide llEmail and llGetNextEmail functionality? (requires SMTP server)} {true false} false
    ;; The email module requires some configuration. It needs an SMTP
    ;; server to send mail through.
    ; emailmodule = DefaultEmailModule

    ;# {SpawnPointRouting} {} {Set routing method for Telehub Spawnpoints} {closest random sequence} closest
    ;; SpawnPointRouting adjusts the landing for incoming avatars.
    ;; "closest" will place the avatar at the SpawnPoint located in the closest
    ;; available spot to the destination (typically map click/landmark).
    ;; "random" will place the avatar on a randomly selected spawnpoint;
    ;; "sequence" will place the avatar on the next sequential SpawnPoint
    ; SpawnPointRouting = closest

    ;# {TelehubAllowLandmark} {} {Allow users with landmarks to override telehub routing} {true false} false
    ;; TelehubAllowLandmark allows users with landmarks to override telehub
    ;; routing and land at the landmark coordinates when set to true
    ;; default is false
    ; TelehubAllowLandmark = false

    ;# {AllowedClients} {} {Bar (|) separated list of allowed clients} {}
    ;; Bar (|) separated list of viewers which may gain access to the regions.
    ;; One can use a substring of the viewer name to enable only certain
    ;; versions
    ;; Example: Agent uses the viewer "Imprudence"
    ;; - "Imprudence" has access
    ;; - "Imprudence 1.3" has access
    ;; - "Imprudence 1.3.1" has no access
    ; AllowedClients = ""

    ;# {DeniedClients} {} {Bar (|) separated list of denied clients} {}
    ;; Bar (|) separated list of viewers which may not gain access to the regions.
    ;; One can use a Substring of the viewer name to disable only certain
    ;; versions
    ;; Example: Agent uses the viewer "Imprudence"
    ;; - "Imprudence" has no access
    ;; - "Imprudence 1.3" has no access
    ;; - "Imprudence 1.3.1" has access
    ; DeniedClients = ""

    ;# {GenerateMaptiles} {} {Generate map tiles?} {true false} true
    ;; Map tile options.  
    ;; If true, then maptiles are generated using the MapImageModule below.
    ;; If false then the texture referenced by MaptileStaticUUID is used instead, which can also be overridden
    ;; in individual region config file(s).  If you do not want to upload map tiles at all, then you will need
    ;; both to set this to false and comment out the [Modules] MapImageServiceModule setting in config-include/
    GenerateMaptiles = true

    ;# {MapImageModule} {} {The map image module to use} {MapImageModule Warp3DImageModule} MapImageModule
    ;; The module to use in order to generate map images.
    ;; MapImageModule is the default.  Warp3DImageModule is an alternative experimental module that can
    ;; generate better images.
    ;MapImageModule = "MapImageModule"

    ;# {MaptileRefresh} {GenerateMaptiles} {Maptile refresh period?} {} 0
    ;; If desired, a running region can update the map tiles periodically
    ;; to reflect building activity. This names no sense of you don't have
    ;; prims on maptiles. Value is in seconds.
    ; MaptileRefresh = 0

    ;# {MaptileStaticUUID} {} {Asset ID for static map texture} {} 00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000
    ;; If not generating maptiles, use this static texture asset ID
    ;; This may be overridden on a per region basis in Regions.ini
    ; MaptileStaticUUID = "00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000"

    ;# {TextureOnMapTile} {} {Use terrain textures for map tiles?} {true false} true
    ;; Use terrain texture for maptiles if true, use shaded green if false
    ; TextureOnMapTile = true

    ;# {DrawPrimOnMapTile} {} {Draw prim shapes on map tiles?} {true false} false
    ;; Draw objects on maptile.  This step might take a long time if you've
    ;; got a large number of objects, so you can turn it off here if you'd like.
    ; DrawPrimOnMapTile = true

    ;# {TexturePrims} {} {Texture prims on map tiles?} {true false} true
    ;; Texture the faces of the prims that are rendered on the map tiles.
    ; TexturePrims = true

    ;# {TexturePrimSize} {} {Size of prims to texture faces?} {} 48
    ;; Only texture prims that have a diagonal size greater than this number
    ; TexturePrimSize = 48

    ;# {RenderMeshes} {} {Render meshes and sculpties on map tiles?} {true false} false
    ;; Attempt to render meshes and sculpties on the map
    ; RenderMeshes = false;

    ;# {permissionmodules} {} {Permission modules to use (may specify multiple modules, separated by comma} {} DefaultPermissionsModule
    ;; Permission modules to use, separated by comma.
    ;; Possible modules are DefaultPermissionsModule, PrimLimitsModule
    ; permissionmodules = DefaultPermissionsModule

    ;# {serverside_object_permissions} {permissionmodules:DefaultPermissionsModule} {Activate permission handling by the sim?} {true false} true
    ;; These are the parameters for the default permissions module
    ;; If set to false, then, in theory, the server never carries out
    ;; permission checks (allowing anybody to copy
    ;; any item, etc.  This may not yet be implemented uniformally.
    ;; If set to true, then all permissions checks are carried out
    ; serverside_object_permissions = true

    ;# {allow_grid_gods} {} {Allow grid gods?} {true false} false
    ;; This allows users with a UserLevel of 200 or more to assume god
    ;; powers in the regions in this simulator.
    ; allow_grid_gods = false

    ;; This allows some control over permissions
    ;; please note that this still doesn't duplicate SL, and is not intended to
    ;# {region_owner_is_god} {} {Allow region owner gods} {true false} true
    ;; Allow region owners to assume god powers in their regions
    ; region_owner_is_god = true

    ;# {region_manager_is_god} {} {Allow region manager gods} {true false} false
    ;; Allow region managers to assume god powers in regions they manage
    ; region_manager_is_god = false

    ;# {parcel_owner_is_god} {} {Allow parcel owner gods} {true false} true
    ;; Allow parcel owners to assume god powers in their parcels
    ; parcel_owner_is_god = true

    ;# {simple_build_permissions} {} {Allow building in parcel by access list (no groups)} {true false} false
    ;; More control over permissions
    ;; This is definitely not SL!
    ;; Provides a simple control for land owners to give build rights to
    ;; specific avatars in publicly accessible parcels that disallow object
    ;; creation in general.
    ;; Owners specific avatars by adding them to the Access List of the parcel
    ;; without having to use the Groups feature
    ; simple_build_permissions = false

    ; If these values are commented out then the user will be asked for estate details when required (this is the normal case).
    ; If these values are uncommented then they will be used to create a default estate as necessary.
    ; New regions will be automatically assigned to that default estate.

    ;# {DefaultEstateName} {} {Default name for estate?} {} My Estate
    ;; Name for the default estate
    ; DefaultEstateName = My Estate

    ;# {DefaultEstateOwnerName} {} {Default estate owner name?} {} FirstName LastName
    ;; Name for default estate owner
    ; DefaultEstateOwnerName = FirstName LastName

    ; ** Standalone Estate Settings **
    ; The following parameters will only be used on a standalone system to
    ; create an estate owner that does not already exist

    ;# {DefaultEstateOwnerUUID} {} {Default estate owner UUID?} {} 00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000
    ;; If DefaultEstateOwnerUUID is left at UUID.Zero (as below) then a random
    ;; UUID will be assigned. This is normally what you want
    ; DefaultEstateOwnerUUID = 00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000

    ;# {DefaultEstateOwnerEMail} {} {Default estate owner email?} {}
    ;; Email address for the default estate owner
    ; DefaultEstateOwnerEMail =

    ;# {DefaultEstateOwnerPassword} {} {Default estate owner password} {}
    ;; Password for the default estate owner
    ; DefaultEstateOwnerPassword = password

    ;; The SMTP server enabled the email module to send email to external
    ;; destinations.

    ;# {enabled} {[Startup]emailmodule:DefaultEmailModule} {Enable SMTP service?} {true false} false
    ;; Enable sending email via SMTP
    ; enabled = false

    ;# {internal_object_host} {[Startup]emailmodule:DefaultEmailModule enabled:true} {Host name to treat as internal (object to object) email?} {} lsl.opensim.local
    ; internal_object_host = lsl.opensim.local

    ;# {host_domain_header_from} {[Startup]emailmodule:DefaultEmailModule enabled:true} {From address to use in the sent email header?} {}
    ; host_domain_header_from = ""

    ;# {email_pause_time} {[Startup]emailmodule:DefaultEmailModule enabled:true} {Period in seconds to delay after an email is sent.} {} 20
    ; email_pause_time = 20

    ;# {email_max_size} {[Startup]emailmodule:DefaultEmailModule enabled:true} {Maximum total size of email in bytes.} {} 4096
    ; email_max_size = 4096

    ;# {SMTP_SERVER_HOSTNAME} {[Startup]emailmodule:DefaultEmailModule enabled:true} {SMTP server name?} {}

    ;# {SMTP_SERVER_PORT} {[Startup]emailmodule:DefaultEmailModule enabled:true} {SMTP server name?} {SMTP server port?} {} 25

    ;# {SMTP_SERVER_LOGIN} {[Startup]emailmodule:DefaultEmailModule enabled:true} {SMTP server user name?} {}

    ;# {SMTP_SERVER_PASSWORD} {[Startup]emailmodule:DefaultEmailModule enabled:true} {SMTP server password} {}

    ;# {ConsoleUser} {} {User name for console account} {}
    ;; Configure the remote console user here. This will not actually be used
    ;; unless you use -console=rest at startup.
    ; ConsoleUser = "Test"
    ;# {ConsolePass} {} {Password for console account} {}
    ; ConsolePass = "secret"
    ;# {console_port} {} {Port for console connections} {} 0
    ; console_port = 0

    ;# {http_listener_port} {} {TCP Port for this simulator to listen on? (This must be unique to the simulator!)} {} 9000
    ;; Simulator HTTP port. This is not the region port, but the port the
    ;; entire simulator listens on. This port uses the TCP protocol, while
    ;; the region ports use UDP.
    ; http_listener_port = 9000

    ; By default, OpenSimulator does not allow scripts to make HTTP calls to addresses on the simulator's LAN.
    ; See the OutboundDisallowForUserScripts parameter in OpenSimDefaults.ini for more information on this filter.
    ; If you need to allow scripts to make some LAN calls use the OutboundDisallowForUserScriptsExcept parameter below.
    ; We recommend that you do not override OutboundDisallowForUserScripts directly unless you are very sure about what you're doing.
    ; You can whitelist individual endpoints by IP or FQDN, e.g.
    ; OutboundDisallowForUserScriptsExcept =
    ; You can specify multiple addresses by separating them with a bar.  For example,
    ; OutboundDisallowForUserScriptsExcept =|myinternalserver:8000
    ; If an address if given without a port number then port 80 is assumed
    ; You can also specify a network range in CIDR notation to whitelist, e.g.
    ; OutboundDisallowForUserScriptsExcept =
    ; to whitelist all ports on addresses to
    ; To specify an individual IP address use the /32 netmask
    ; OutboundDisallowForUserScriptsExcept =
    ; See for more information on CIDR notation

    ;# {ExternalHostNameForLSL} {} {Hostname to use for HTTP-IN URLs. This should be reachable from the internet.} {}
    ;; Hostname to use in llRequestURL/llRequestSecureURL
    ;; if not defined - default machine name is being used
    ;; (on Windows this mean NETBIOS name - useably only inside local network)
    ; ExternalHostNameForLSL = ""

    ;# {shard} {} {Name to use for X-Secondlife-Shard header? (press enter if unsure)} {} OpenSim
    ;; What is reported as the "X-Secondlife-Shard"
    ;; Defaults to the user server url if not set
    ;; The old default is "OpenSim", set here for compatibility
    ;; The below is not commented for compatibility.
    shard = "OpenSim"

    ;# {user_agent} {} {User agent to report to web servers?} {} OpenSim LSL (Mozilla Compatible)
    ;; What is reported as the "User-Agent" when using llHTTPRequest
    ;; Defaults to not sent if not set here. See the notes section in the wiki
    ;; at for comments on adding
    ;; " (Mozilla Compatible)" to the text where there are problems with a
    ;; web server
    ; user_agent = "OpenSim LSL (Mozilla Compatible)"

    ;; The follow 3 variables are for HTTP Basic Authentication for the Robust services.
    ;; Use this if your central services in port 8003 need to be accessible on the Internet
    ;; but you want to protect them from unauthorized access. The username and password
    ;; here need to match the ones in the Robust service configuration.
    ; AuthType = "BasicHttpAuthentication"
    ; HttpAuthUsername = "some_username"
    ; HttpAuthPassword = "some_password"
    ;; Any of these 3 variables above can be overriden in any of the service sections.

    ;# {XmlRpcRouterModule} {} {Module used to route incoming llRemoteData calls} {XmlRpcRouterModule XmlRpcGridRouterModule} XmlRpcRouterModule
    ;; If enabled and set to XmlRpcRouterModule, this will post an event,
    ;; "xmlrpc_uri(string)" to the script concurrently with the first
    ;; remote_data event. This will contain the fully qualified URI an
    ;; external site needs to use to send XMLRPC requests to that script
    ;; If enabled and set to XmlRpcGridRouterModule, newly created channels
    ;; will be registered with an external service via a configured uri
    ;XmlRpcRouterModule = "XmlRpcRouterModule"

    ;# {XmlRpcPort} {} {Port for incoming llRemoteData xmlrpc calls} {} 20800
    ;XmlRpcPort = 20800

    ;# {XmlRpcHubURI} {XmlRpcRouterModule} {URI for external service used to register xmlrpc channels created in the simulator. This depends on XmlRpcRouterModule being set to XmlRpcGridRouterModule} {}
    ;; If XmlRpcRouterModule is set to XmlRpcGridRouterModule, the simulator
    ;; will use this address to register xmlrpc channels on the external
    ;; service
    ; XmlRpcHubURI =

    ;; See OpensSimDefaults.ini for the throttle options. You can copy the
    ;; relevant sections and override them here.
    ;; DO NOT MODIFY OpenSimDefaults.ini, as your changes would be lost
    ;; with the next update!

    ;# {DisableFacelights} {} {Stop facelights from working?} {true false} false
    ;; Quash and remove any light properties from attachments not on the
    ;; hands. This allows flashlights and lanterns to function, but kills
    ;; silly vanity "Facelights" dead. Sorry, head mounted miner's lamps
    ;; will also be affected.
    ;; This is especially important in artistic builds that depend on lights
    ;; on the build for their appearance, since facelights will cause the
    ;; building's lights to possibly not be rendered.
    ; DisableFacelights = "false"

    ;; For the long list of capabilities, see OpenSimDefaults.ini
    ;; Here are the few ones you may want to change. Possible values
    ;; are:
    ;;   "" -- empty, capability disabled
    ;;   "localhost" -- capability enabled and served by the simulator
    ;;   "<url>" -- capability enabled and served by some other server
    ; These are enabled by default to localhost. Change if you see fit.
    Cap_GetTexture = "localhost"
    Cap_GetMesh = "localhost"
    Cap_AvatarPickerSearch = "localhost"
    Cap_GetDisplayNames = "localhost"


    ;# {SearchServerURI} {} {URL of the search server} {}
    ;; Optional. If given this serves the same purpose as the grid wide
    ;; [LoginServices] SearchURL setting and will override that where
    ;; supported by viewers.
    ;SearchServerURI = ""

    ;# {DestinationGuideURI} {} {URL of the destination guide} {}
    ;; Optional. If given this serves the same purpose as the grid wide
    ;; [LoginServices] DestinationGuide setting and will override that where
    ;; supported by viewers.
    ;DestinationGuideURI = ""

    ;# {whisper_distance} {} {Distance at which a whisper is heard, in meters?} {} 10
    ;; Distance in meters that whispers should travel.
    ; whisper_distance = 10

    ;# {say_distance} {} {Distance at which normal chat is heard, in meters?} {} 20
    ;; Distance in meters that ordinary chat should travel.
    ; say_distance = 20

    ;# {shout_distance} {} {Distance at which a shout is heard, in meters?} {} 100
    ;; Distance in meters that shouts should travel.
    ; shout_distance = 100

    ;# {DisableInterRegionTeleportCancellation} {} {Determine whether the cancel button is shown at all during teleports.} {false true} false
    ;; This option exists because cancelling at certain points can result in an unuseable session (frozen avatar, etc.)
    ;; Disabling cancellation can be okay in small closed grids where all teleports are highly likely to suceed.
    ;DisableInterRegionTeleportCancellation = false

    ;# {OfflineMessageModule} {} {Module to use for offline message storage} {OfflineMessageModule "Offline Message Module V2" *}
    ;; Module to handle offline messaging. The core module requires an external
    ;; web service to do this. See OpenSim wiki.
    ; OfflineMessageModule = OfflineMessageModule
    ;; Or, alternatively, use this one, which works for both standalones and grids
    ; OfflineMessageModule = "Offline Message Module V2"

    ;# {OfflineMessageURL} {OfflineMessageModule:OfflineMessageModule Offline Message Module V2:Offline Message Module V2} {URL of offline messaging service} {}
    ;; URL of web service for offline message storage. Leave it commented if your service is local to the sim.
    ; OfflineMessageURL = ${Const|BaseURL}/Offline.php
    ; OfflineMessageURL = ${Const|BaseURL}:${Const|PrivatePort}

    ;# {StorageProvider} {Offline Message Module V2:Offline Message Module V2} {DLL that provides the storage interface} {OpenSim.Data.MySQL.dll}
    ;; For standalones, this is the storage dll.
    ; StorageProvider = OpenSim.Data.MySQL.dll

    ;# {MuteListModule} {OfflineMessageModule:OfflineMessageModule} {} {} MuteListModule
    ;; Mute list handler (not yet implemented). MUST BE SET to allow offline
    ;; messages to work
    ; MuteListModule = MuteListModule

    ;# {MuteListURL} {OfflineMessageModule:OfflineMessageModule} {} {} http://yourserver/Mute.php
    ;; URL of the web service that serves mute lists. Not currently used, but
    ;; must be set to allow offline messaging to work.
    ; MuteListURL = http://yourserver/Mute.php

    ;; Control whether group invites and notices are stored for offline users.
    ;; Default is true.
    ;; This applies to both core groups module.
    ; ForwardOfflineGroupMessages = true

    ;# {AvatarToAvatarCollisionsByDefault} {[Startup]physics:BulletSim} {Should avatars collide with each other?} {true false} true
    AvatarToAvatarCollisionsByDefault = true

    ;# {mesh_sculpted_prim} {[Startup]physics:OpenDynamicsEngine} {Mesh sculpties so they collide as they look?} {true false} true
    ;; Do we want to mesh sculpted prim to collide like they look?
    ;; If you are seeing sculpt texture decode problems
    ;; (messages such as "Decoded image with unhandled number of components: 0 shortly followed by a physcs exception")
    ;; then you might want to try setting this to false.
    ; mesh_sculpted_prim = true

    ;# {use_NINJA_physics_joints} {[Startup]physics:OpenDynamicsEngine} {Use jointed (NINJA) physics?} {true false} false
    ;; If you would like physics joints to be enabled through a special naming
    ;; convention in the client, set this to true.
    ;; (see NINJA Physics,
    ; use_NINJA_physics_joints = false

    ;; This is the remote admin module, which uses XMLRPC requests to
    ;; manage regions from a web interface.

    ;# {enabled} {} {Enable the remote admin interface?} {true false} false
    ; enabled = false

    ;# {port} {enabled:true} {Port to use for the remote admin interface? (0 = default)} {} 0
    ;; Set this to a nonzero value to have remote admin use a different port
    ; port = 0

    ;# {access_password} {enabled:true} {Password for the remote admin interface} {}
    ;; This password is required to make any XMLRPC call (should be set as
    ;; the "password" parameter)
    ; access_password = ""

    ;# {access_ip_addresses} {enabled:true} {List the IP addresses allowed to call RemoteAdmin?} {}
    ;; List the IP addresses allowed to call RemoteAdmin
    ;; If access_ip_addresses isn't set, then all IP addresses can access RemoteAdmin.
    ;; access_ip_addresses =, ...
    ; access_ip_addresses =

    ;# {create_region_enable_voice} {enabled:true} {Enable voice for newly created regions?} {true false} false
    ;; set this variable to true if you want the create_region XmlRpc
    ;; call to unconditionally enable voice on all parcels for a newly
    ;; created region
    ; create_region_enable_voice = false

    ;# {create_region_public} {enabled:true} {Make newly created regions public?} {true false} false
    ;; set this variable to false if you want the create_region XmlRpc
    ;; call to create all regions as private per default (can be
    ;; overridden in the XmlRpc call)
    ; create_region_public = false

    ;# {enabled_methods} {enabled:true} {List of methods to allow, separated by |} {} all
    ;; enable only those methods you deem to be appropriate using a | delimited
    ;; whitelist.
    ;; For example:
    ;; enabled_methods = admin_broadcast|admin_save_oar|admin_save_xml
    ;; if this parameter is not specified but enabled = true, all methods
    ;; will be available
    ; enabled_methods = all

    ;; specify the default appearance for an avatar created through the remote
    ;; admin interface
    ;; This will only take effect is the file specified by the
    ;; default_appearance setting below exists
    ; default_male = Default Male
    ; default_female = Default Female

    ;; Update appearance copies inventory items and wearables of default
    ;; avatars. if this value is false, just worn assets are copied to the
    ;; Clothes folder; if true, all Clothes and Bodyparts subfolders are copied.
    ;; The receiver will wear the same items the default avatar did wear.
    ; copy_folders = false

    ;; Path to default appearance XML file that specifies the look of the
    ;; default avatars
    ; default_appearance = default_appearance.xml

    ;# {enabled} {} {Enable wind module?} {true false} true
    ;; Enables the wind module.
    ; enabled = true

    ;# {wind_update_rate} {enabled:true} {Wind update rate in frames?} {} 150
    ;; How often should wind be updated, as a function of world frames.
    ;; Approximately 50 frames a second
    ; wind_update_rate = 150

    ;; The Default Wind Plugin to load
    ; wind_plugin = SimpleRandomWind

    ;; These settings are specific to the ConfigurableWind plugin
    ;; To use ConfigurableWind as the default, simply change wind_plugin
    ;; to ConfigurableWind and uncomment the following.
    ; avg_strength = 5.0
    ; avg_direction = 0.0
    ; var_strength = 5.0
    ; var_direction = 30.0
    ; rate_change = 1.0

    ;# {strength} {enabled:true wind_plugin:SimpleRandomWind} {Wind strength?} {} 1.0
    ;; This setting is specific to the SimpleRandomWind plugin
    ;; Adjusts wind strength. 0.0 = no wind, 1.0 = normal wind.
    ; strength = 1.0

    ;# {enable_windlight} {} {Enable LightShare technology?} {true false} false
    ;; This enables the transmission of Windlight scenes to supporting clients,
    ;; such as the Meta7 viewer.
    ;; It has no ill effect on viewers which do not support server-side
    ;; windlight settings.
    ; enable_windlight = false

    ;# {enable_materials} {} {Enable Materials support?} {true false} true
    ;; This enables the use of Materials.
    ; enable_materials = true
    ; MaxMaterialsPerTransaction = 50

    ;# {index_sims} {} {Enable data snapshotting (search)?} {true false} false
    ;; The following set of configs pertains to search.
    ;; Set index_sims to true to enable search engines to index your
    ;; searchable data.
    ;; If false, no data will be exposed, DataSnapshot module will be off,
    ;; and you can ignore the rest of these search-related configs.
    ; index_sims = false

    ;# {data_exposure} {index_sims:true} {How much data should be exposed?} {minimum all} minimum
    ;; The variable data_exposure controls what the regions expose:
    ;;    minimum: exposes only things explicitly marked for search
    ;;    all: exposes everything
    ; data_exposure = minimum

    ;# {gridname} {index_sims:true} {Enter the name fo your grid} {} OSGrid
    ;; If search is on, change this to your grid name; will be ignored for
    ;; standalones
    ; gridname = "OSGrid"

    ;# {default_snapshot_period} {index_sims:true} {Period between data snapshots?} {} 1200
    ;; Period between data snapshots, in seconds. 20 minutes, for starters,
    ;; so that you see the initial changes fast.
    ;; Later, you may want to increase this to 3600 (1 hour) or more
    ; default_snapshot_period = 1200

    ;; This will be created in bin, if it doesn't exist already. It will hold
    ;; the data snapshots.
    ; snapshot_cache_directory = "DataSnapshot"

    ;; [Supported, but obsolete]
    ;# {data_services} {index_sims:true} {Data service URLs to register with?} {}
    ; This semicolon-separated string serves to notify specific data services
    ; about the existence of this sim. Uncomment if you want to index your
    ; data with this and/or other search providers.
    ; data_services=""

    ;; New way of specifying data services, one per service
    ;DATA_SRV_MISearch = ""

    ;# {SellEnabled} {} {Enable selling for 0?} {true false} true
    ; The default economy module only implements just enough to allow free actions (transfer of objects, etc).
    ; There is no intention to implement anything further in core OpenSimulator.
    ; This functionality has to be provided by third party modules.

    ;; Enables selling things for $0.  Default is true.
    ; SellEnabled = true

    ;# {PriceUpload} {} {Price for uploading?} {} 0
    ;; Money Unit fee to upload textures, animations etc.  Default is 0.
    ; PriceUpload = 0

    ;# {PriceGroupCreate} {} {Fee for group creation} {} 0
    ;; Money Unit fee to create groups.  Default is 0.
    ; PriceGroupCreate = 0

    ;# {Enabled} {} {Enable the XEngine scripting engine?} {true false} true
    ;; Enable this engine in this OpenSim instance
    ; Enabled = true

    ;; How many threads to keep alive even if nothing is happening
    ; MinThreads = 2

    ;; How many threads to start at maximum load
    ; MaxThreads = 100

    ;; Time a thread must be idle (in seconds) before it dies
    ; IdleTimeout = 60

    ;# {Priority} {Enabled:true} {Priority for script engine threads?} {Lowest BelowNormal Normal AboveNormal Highest} BelowNormal
    ;; Thread priority ("Lowest", "BelowNormal", "Normal", "AboveNormal",
    ;; "Highest")
    ; Priority = "BelowNormal"

    ;; Maximum number of events to queue for a script (excluding timers)
    ; MaxScriptEventQueue = 300

    ;; Stack size per script engine thread in bytes.
    ;; If you are experiencing StackOverflowExceptions you may want to increase this (e.g. double it).
    ;; The trade-off may be increased memory usage by the script engine.
    ; ThreadStackSize = 262144

    ;; Set this to true (the default) to load each script into a separate
    ;; AppDomain.
    ;; Setting this to false will load all script assemblies into the
    ;; current AppDomain, which will significantly improve script loading times.
    ;; It will also reduce initial per-script memory overhead.
    ;; However, setting this to false will also prevent script DLLs from being unloaded from memory if the script is deleted.
    ;; This may cause an OutOfMemory problem over time when avatars with scripted attachments move in and out of the region.
    ;; Some Windows users have also reported script loading problems when AppDomainLoading = false
    ; AppDomainLoading = true

    ;; Controls whether scripts are stopped by aborting their threads externally (abort) or by co-operative checks from the compiled script (co-op)
    ;; co-op will be more stable but this option is currently experimental.
    ;; If moving from co-op to abort, existing script DLLs will need to be recompiled.
    ;; This currently can only be done manually, either by setting DeleteScriptsOnStartup = true for one run  
    ;; or by deleting the script DLL* files in bin/ScriptEngines/<region-id>/
    ;; One can move from co-op back to abort without recompilation, but reverting back to co-op again will need script recompile
    ;; Current valid values are "abort" and "co-op"
    ; ScriptStopStrategy = co-op

    ;# {DeleteScriptsOnStartup} {} {Delete previously compiled script DLLs on startup?} {true false} true
    ;; Controls whether previously compiled scripts DLLs are deleted on sim restart. If you set this to false
    ;; then startup will be considerably faster since scripts won't need to be recompiled. However, then it becomes your responsibility to delete the
    ;; compiled scripts if you're recompiling OpenSim from source code and internal interfaces used
    ;; by scripts have changed.
    ; DeleteScriptsOnStartup = true

    ;# {DefaultCompileLanguage} {Enabled:true} {Default script language?} {lsl vb cs} lsl
    ;; Default language for scripts
    ; DefaultCompileLanguage = "lsl"

    ;# {AllowedCompilers} {Enabled:true} {Languages to allow (comma separated)?} {} lsl
    ;; List of allowed languages (lsl,vb,cs)
    ;; AllowedCompilers=lsl,cs,vb
    ;; *warning*, non lsl languages have access to static methods such as
    ;; System.IO.File.  Enable at your own risk.
    ; AllowedCompilers = "lsl"

    ;; Compile debug info (line numbers) into the script assemblies
    ; CompileWithDebugInformation = true

    ; ==== Settings for MOD and OSSL functions have been moved to the [OSSL] section

    ;# {EventLimit} {} {Amount of time a script can spend in an event handler} {} 30
    ;; Time a script can spend in an event handler before it is interrupted
    ; EventLimit = 30

    ;# {KillTimedOutScripts} {} {Kill script in case of event time overruns?} {true false} false
    ;; If a script overruns it's event limit, kill the script?
    ; KillTimedOutScripts = false

    ;# {ScriptDelayFactor} {} {Multiplier for scripting delays} {} 1.0
    ;; Sets the multiplier for the scripting delays
    ; ScriptDelayFactor = 1.0

    ;# {ScriptDistanceLimitFactor} {} {Multiplier for 10.0m distance limits?} {}
    ;; The factor the 10 m distances limits are multiplied by
    ; ScriptDistanceLimitFactor = 1.0

    ;# {NotecardLineReadCharsMax} {} {Maximum length of notecard line?} {} 255
    ;; Maximum length of notecard line read
    ;; Increasing this to large values potentially opens
    ;; up the system to malicious scripters
    ; NotecardLineReadCharsMax = 255

    ;# {SensorMaxRange} {} {Sensor range} {} 96.0
    ;; Sensor settings
    ; SensorMaxRange = 96.0
    ;# {SensorMaxResults} {} {Max sensor results returned?} {}
    ; SensorMaxResults = 16

    ;# {DisableUndergroundMovement} {} {Disable underground movement of prims} {true false} true
    ;; Disable underground movement of prims (default true); set to
    ;; false to allow script controlled underground positioning of
    ;; prims
    ; DisableUndergroundMovement = true

    ;# {ScriptEnginesPath} {} {Path to script assemblies} {} ScriptEngines
    ;; Path to script engine assemblies
    ;; Default is ./bin/ScriptEngines
    ; ScriptEnginesPath = "ScriptEngines"

    ;# {Include-osslEnable} {} {Include file for enabling and permissions for OSSL functions} {}
    ;; Optionally include file to enable OSSL functions and set permissions on who can use which.
    ;; If this INI file is not included, the OSSL functions are disabled.
    Include-osslEnable = "config-include/osslEnable.ini"

    ;; Enables the Mini Region Modules Script Engine.
    ; Enabled = false

    ;; Runs MRM in a Security Sandbox
    ; Sandboxed = true

    ;; The level sandbox to use, adjust at your OWN RISK.
    ;; Valid values are:
    ;; *  FullTrust
    ;; *  SkipVerification
    ;; *  Execution
    ;; *  Nothing
    ;; *  LocalIntranet
    ;; *  Internet
    ;; *  Everything
    ; SandboxLevel = "Internet"

    ;; Only allow Region Owners to run MRMs
    ;; May represent a security risk if you disable this.
    ; OwnerOnly = true

    ;; In order for this to work you need a functioning FreeSWITCH PBX set up.
    ;; Configuration details at
    ; Enabled = false

    ;; You need to load a local service for a standalone, and a remote service
    ;; for a grid region. Use one of the lines below, as appropriate
    ;; If you're using Freeswitch on a standalone then you will also need to configure the [FreeswitchService] section in config-include/StandaloneCommon.ini
    ; LocalServiceModule = OpenSim.Services.FreeswitchService.dll:FreeswitchService
    ; LocalServiceModule = OpenSim.Services.Connectors.dll:RemoteFreeswitchConnector

    ;; If using a remote connector, specify the server URL
    ; FreeswitchServiceURL = http://my.grid.server:8004/fsapi

    ;# {Enabled} {} {Enable groups?} {true false} false
    ;; Enables the groups module
    Enabled = true

    ;# {LevelGroupCreate} {Enabled:true} {User level for creating groups} {} 0
    ;; Minimum user level required to create groups
    ; LevelGroupCreate = 0

    ;# {Module} {Enabled:true} {Groups module to use? (Use GroupsModule to use Flotsam/Simian)} {Default "Groups Module V2"} Default
    ;; The default module can use a PHP XmlRpc server from the Flotsam project at
    ;; or from the SimianGrid project at
    ; Module = Default
    ;; or... use Groups Module V2, which works for standalones and robust grids
    ; Module = "Groups Module V2"

    ;# {StorageProvider} {Module:Groups Module V2} {The DLL that provides the storage for V2} {OpenSim.Data.MySQL.dll}
    ; StorageProvider = OpenSim.Data.MySQL.dll

    ;# {ServicesConnectorModule} {Module:GroupsModule Module:Groups Module V2} {Service connector to use for groups} {XmlRpcGroupsServicesConnector SimianGroupsServicesConnector "Groups Local Service Connector" "Groups Remote Service Connector" "Groups HG Service Connector"} XmlRpcGroupsServicesConnector
    ;; Service connectors to the Groups Service as used in the GroupsModule.  Select one as follows:
    ;; -- for Flotsam Groups use XmlRpcGroupsServicesConnector
    ;; -- for Simian Groups use SimianGroupsServicesConnector
    ;; -- for V2 Groups, standalone, non-HG use "Groups Local Service Connector"
    ;; -- for V2 Groups, grided sim, non-HG use "Groups Remote Service Connector"
    ;; -- for V2 Groups, HG, both standalone and grided sim, use "Groups HG Service Connector"
    ;; Note that the quotes "" around the words are important!
    ; ServicesConnectorModule = XmlRpcGroupsServicesConnector

    ;# {LocalService} {ServicesConnectorModule:Groups HG Service Connector} {Is the group service in this process or elsewhere?} {local remote} local
    ;; Used for V2 in HG only. If standalone, set this to local; if grided sim, set this to remote
    ; LocalService = local

    ;# {SecretKey} {ServicesConnectorModule:Groups Remote Service Connector} {Secret key between sim and remote group service} {} ""
    ;; Used for V2 in Remote only.
    ; SecretKey = ""

    ;# {GroupsServerURI} {Module:GroupsModule (ServicesConnectorModule:Groups Remote Service Connector or (ServicesConnectorModule:Groups HG Service Connector and LocalService:remote))} {Groups Server URI} {}
    ;; URI for the groups services of this grid
    ;; e.g. for Flotsam XmlRpc
    ;; or for SimianGrid
    ;; or ${Const|BaseURL}:${Const|PrivatePort} for robust, V2
    ;; Leave it commented for standalones, V2
    GroupsServerURI = ""

    ;# {HomeURI} {ServicesConnectorModule:Groups HG Service Connector} {What's the home address of this world?} {}
    ;; Used for V2 in HG only. For example
    ;; or
    ;; If you have this set under [Startup], no need to set it here, leave it commented
    HomeURI = ""

    ;# {MessagingEnabled} {Module:GroupsModule Module:Groups Module V2} {Is groups messaging enabled?} {true false} true
    MessagingEnabled = true

    ;# {MessagingModule} {MessagingEnabled:true} {Module to use for groups messaging} {GroupsMessagingModule "Groups Messaging Module V2"} GroupsMessagingModule
    ; MessagingModule = GroupsMessagingModule
    ; or use "Groups Messaging Module V2" for Groups V2
    ; MessagingModule = "Groups Messaging Module V2"

    ;# {NoticesEnabled} {Module:GroupsModule Module:Groups Module V2} {Enable group notices?} {true false} true
    ;; Enable Group Notices
    ; NoticesEnabled = true

    ;# {MessageOnlineUsersOnly} {Module:GroupsModule Module} {Message online users only?} {true false} false
    ; Experimental option to only message online users rather than all users
    ; Should make large groups with few online members messaging faster, as the expense of more calls to presence service
    ; Applies Flotsam Group only. V2 has this always on, no other option
    ; MessageOnlineUsersOnly = false

    ;; This makes the Group module very chatty on the console.
    ; DebugEnabled = false

    ; This makes the Group Messaging module very chatty on the console.
    ; DebugMessagingEnabled = false

    ;; XmlRpc Security settings.  These must match those set on your backend
    ;; groups service if the service is using these keys
    ; XmlRpcServiceReadKey    = 1234
    ; XmlRpcServiceWriteKey   = 1234

     ;# {UpdatePrioritizationScheme} {} {Update prioritization scheme?} {BestAvatarResponsiveness Time Distance SimpleAngularDistance FrontBack} BestAvatarResponsiveness
     ;; This section controls how state updates are prioritized for each client
     ;; Valid values are BestAvatarResponsiveness, Time, Distance,
     ;; SimpleAngularDistance, FrontBack
     ; UpdatePrioritizationScheme = BestAvatarResponsiveness

    ;# {Enabled} {} {Enable Media-on-a-Prim (MOAP)} {true false} true
    ;; Enable media on a prim facilities
    ; Enabled = true;

    ;# {Enabled} {} {Enable Non Player Character (NPC) facilities} {true false} false
    ; Enabled = false
    ;; several options to control NPCs creation
    ;; allow NPCs to be created not Owned {true false} default: true
    ; AllowNotOwned = false
    ;; allow NPCs to set to be sensed as Avatars {true false} default: true
    ; AllowSenseAsAvatar = false
    ;; allow NPCs to created cloning any avatar in region {true false} default: true
    ; AllowCloneOtherAvatars = false
    ;; if true NPCs will have no group title, if false display "- NPC -" for easy identification {true false} default: true
    ; NoNPCGroup = false

    ;# {InitialTerrain} {} {Initial terrain type} {pinhead-island flat} pinhead-island
    ; InitialTerrain = "pinhead-island"

  ;# {ProfileServiceURL} {} {Set url to UserProfilesService} {}
  ;; Set the value of the url to your UserProfilesService
  ;; If un-set / "" the module is disabled
  ProfileServiceURL = ${Const|BaseURL}:${Const|PublicPort}

  ;# {URL} {} {Set URL for Baked texture service} {}
  ;; Sets the URL for the baked texture ROBUST service.
  ;; Disabled when unset.
  ;; URL = ${Const|BaseURL}:${Const|PrivatePort}

;; Optional module to highlight God names in the viewer.
;; Uncomment and customize appropriately if you want this behavior.
;    Enabled = false
;    FullNames = "Test User, Foo Bar"
;    Surnames = "Kryztlsk"

    ;# {Include-Architecture} {} {Choose one of the following architectures} {config-include/Standalone.ini config-include/StandaloneHypergrid.ini config-include/Grid.ini config-include/GridHypergrid.ini config-include/SimianGrid.ini config-include/HyperSimianGrid.ini} config-include/Standalone.ini
    ;; Uncomment one of the following includes as required.  For instance, to create a standalone OpenSim,
    ;; uncomment Include-Architecture = "config-include/Standalone.ini"
    ;; Then you will need to copy and edit the corresponding *Common.example file in config-include/
    ;; that the referenced .ini file goes on to include.
    ;; For instance, if you chose "config-include/Standalone.ini" then you will need to copy
    ;; "config-include/StandaloneCommon.ini.example" to "config-include/StandaloneCommon.ini" before
    ;; editing it to set the database and backend services that OpenSim will use.
    ;Include-Architecture = "config-include/Standalone.ini"
    Include-Architecture = "config-include/StandaloneHypergrid.ini"
    ; Include-Architecture = "config-include/Grid.ini"
    ; Include-Architecture = "config-include/GridHypergrid.ini"
    ; Include-Architecture = "config-include/SimianGrid.ini"
    ; Include-Architecture = "config-include/HyperSimianGrid.ini"

Kann einer einen fehler entdecken ?

Danke in vorraus fürs helfen ?
Have a nice Day ;D

>> BogusMusikRausch jeweils Donnerstag um 20 Uhr in Uwes KeulenBar


Bogus | | M:
PublicPort = "8002"
Bei einer Standalone ist das der Port 9000. Cool
(27.11.2015, 17:51)Dorena Verne schrieb:
PublicPort = "8002"
Bei einer Standalone ist das der Port 9000. Cool

Boah .. darauf hätte ich auch selbst drauf können *gg
Have a nice Day ;D

>> BogusMusikRausch jeweils Donnerstag um 20 Uhr in Uwes KeulenBar


Bogus | | M:

Hier dann ein weiter kleiner Bericht, die Fehler mit dem: geht net nachhause zu porten, und die roten Meldungen wegen scripten sind net mehr da.

Die haben sich in Luft aufgeloest. Habe nichts gemacht, erst habe ich es mit dem Administrator starten lassen, danach geht es nun auch ohne Admin, vieleicht ist das einmalig noetigWink)

So aber nun zum weiteren Test, Erstmal hergegangen alle Oars den entsprechenden Sims zugeteilt, so das es nun Komplett war, dann ab zu mir nachhause(DW) und erstmal das einfache Gokartscript geholt.... Na ob das wolhl funktioniert?Wink

Ab Nachhause und eine Platte da hin und das Script hinein, und auf die Strasse damit. erster Zaghafter Gasgebversuch, bissi vorwaerts na was passiert.... ahh nichts... phu,das Auto*lach* faehrt, und das sogar ordentlicher als unter ODE und BulletsimWink)

da kommt der Tunnnel...iiieeeks, Moooomment da fehlt doch ein Stueck Strasse*g*, aussteigen, und erstmal das Stueck ersetzen.

Wieder hinein ins Auto und da kommt........ die magische Simgrenze...Augen zu und..... drueber, Yippi, ich kann einfach weiterfahren, man merkt den uebergang minimal muss wieder was gas geben und faehrt ganz normal, keine Problem. auch der Ava bleibt bei allem Heile.

Also Punkt 1. Simcrossing, sauber mit einem Fahrzeug.
nun Punkt 2 gehen oder fliegen ueber die Sim, mei das ist ja besser als in SL, man merkt den uebergang, aber fast nicht mehr

Na denn gehen wir mal Die Bahn an, denn die laeuft mit nem andern script und einer Notecard. Zug erstellt, (japp wie immer einfache Platte fuers erste).

Die Scriptte da rein und dann erstmal wie immer eine Wegekarte erstellen, das klappt sauber, Ende und dann warten Wegepunkte gelesen, na denn einsteigen und.....los....looss...hmmm, ok,das war dann nichts das Routenscript funktioniert, aber kann auf die Weise nicht ueber die Simgrenze, der liest die Neue Pos. aber fuer das Script ist das auf dieser Sim, Vieleicht leicht zu aendern, aber das script ist ja auch eigentlich fuer andere Dinge als ein Zug gedachtWink

Egal, war eigentlich zu erwarten das das ein oder andere Script nicht mehr laeuft oder zumindest geaendert werden muss, denn schliesslich soll ja jetzt die Simgrenze gequert werden, also muss da ein anderes her, und einige Scripte werden dann wohl ebend nicht mehr gehen, zumindest ohne Aenderungen.Wink

Daher schonmal mit in diesem Bericht, suche ein Bahnscript aus SL, denn die sollen ja soweit nun alle einfach funktionieren, bitte dann an entsprechender Stelle Posten, wenn einer eins hat und es andern zur Verfuegung stellen magWink

Soweit erstmal mein Test fuer Heute weitere folgenWink) und nun durchsuch ich erstmal das Netz und die Grids nach einem Bahnscript schliesslich soll der Zug rollenWink

Nichts im Leben ist ein Muss!!!!!!!!!!!..............Alles ein Kann!!!

So dann noch ein erstmal letzter kleiner BerichtWink

Dann wollen wir doch mal schauen was sagt die Physik zur VarregionWink habe nun dann die 1280x1280er VarioRegion auf die 09 umgestellt mit der neuen Physik.

Auf den Bildschirm schauend und hoffend..............ah alles hat geklappt..........alles normal gestartet, dann mal rein ins Vergnuegen und... es laeuft einwandfrei genauso einfach und genauso gut wie zuvor schon beschrieben fuer die normale Region. Nun denn

ein Punkt kennen wir doch alle im negativen eine Var-Regio vertrug sich ja bisher nicht mit einer Normalregion oder anderen Varregionsgroesse..... Nun denn

Noch mal ebend eine weiter normalgrosse Sim direkt an die var angehaengt, und was denkt ihr, gehts oder nicht?.....Wink))

ich sags euch , es geht, es macht keinen Unterschied mehr ob ich ne var oder normale anhaenge ob ne var an ne normale oder ne normale an eine VarWink Bin zum Test hin und herteleportiert, hin und hergeflogen und zu guter letzt auch zigmal von der normalen auf die Var und von der Var auf die Normal gefahren, no ProblemsWink) Zu guter letzt bin ich noch von aussen, also nicht von meinem Rechner aus, sondern ueber ein Laptop bei Freunden auf die Sim gegangen und gefahren von Simgrenze zu simgrenze. Kein geruckel und gehake. Bisher muss ich sagen haben sie mal gute Arbeit geleistet.

Fazit heute Stand 29-11-2015

1.) Die neue Physik scheint ein volltreffer zu sein, in der Hoffnung das es so bleibt oder noch besser wird.
2.) Man benoetigt fuer eine Varregion nun nicht mehr die Bullet zwangsweise sondern kann ganz normal die ubODE nehmen
3.) Einige Scripte tun es nicht, oder nicht mehr richtig die muessen dann nach und nach um oder neugeschrieben werden, vieleicht gehen ja auch nun wirklich alle script aus SL einfach so.

4.) Man muss nun nicht mehr die gleich Vargroesse haben oder mit einer Var sich von einer normalen fernhalten.

5.) und das ist mein persoenlicher Test, Die Stabilitaet im kleinen ist sehr gut, ob nun uebers HG oder intern ob von einer 08 oder 09 ein arriba zu 09 oder 08 , es funzt einfach und ohne Crashs. zumindest habe ich in den letzten tagen gerade mal 2 stueck gehabt, aber die koennen immer nochmal passieren und passieren sogar in Sl bis heute.

Soviel erstmal von mir, weitere Berichte folgen, aber ebend nicht in so kurzen AbstaendenWink Allen eine Schoene Adventszeit und denen die es ausprobieren viel Spass mit der OS-Ver 09.

Nichts im Leben ist ein Muss!!!!!!!!!!!..............Alles ein Kann!!!

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