So,..als erstes müßt ihr die Robust.HG.ini.example in Robust.HG.ini umbenennen und eure Daten eintragen.
Wichtig ist das ihr in dem entsprechenden Abschnitt eure Default-Region definiert.
;; Persistent When the simulator is shutdown, the region is signalled as offline but left registered on the grid.
Region_Doretest = "DefaultRegion, FallbackRegion"
Statt "Doretest" der Regionsname eurer Region,die ihr dann für das HG freigeben wollt.
Du sagtest mir mal ihr habt einen Win.Server?
Ok, dann eine Verknüpfung für die Robust.exe anlegen und unter "Ziel" mit -inifile Robust.HG.ini ergänzen.
Wichtig ist als nächstes das eure HG-Region in einer eigenen OpenSim-Instanz läuft.
Unter Architektur ganz unten in der OpenSim.ini stellt ihr das dan wie folgt ein:
; Include-Architecture = "config-include/Standalone.ini"
; Include-Architecture = "config-include/StandaloneHypergrid.ini"
; Include-Architecture = "config-include/Grid.ini"
Include-Architecture = "config-include/GridHypergrid.ini"
; Include-Architecture = "config-include/SimianGrid.ini"
; Include-Architecture = "config-include/HyperSimianGrid.ini"
Eure GridCommon.ini sollte dann so aussehen:
; This is the main configuration file for an instance of OpenSim running in grid mode
; ### Choose the DB
; SQLite
;Include-Storage = "config-include/storage/SQLiteStandalone.ini";
; MySql
; Uncomment these lines if you want to use mysql storage
; Change the connection string to your db details
StorageProvider = "OpenSim.Data.MySQL.dll"
ConnectionString = "Data Source=localhost;Database=opensim;User ID=opensim;Password=xxxxxxx;Old Guids=true;"
; Uncomment this line if you are using MySQL and want to use a different database for estates
; The usual application for this is to allow estates to be spread out across multiple simulators by share the same database.
; Most people won't need to do this so only uncomment if you know what you're doing.
;EstateConnectionString = "Data Source=localhost;Database=opensim;User ID=opensim;Password=***;Old Guids=true;"
; Uncomment these lines if you want to use MSSQL storage
; Change the connection string to your db details
; The value for server property is shown in your SQL Server Management Studio login dialog.
; (This sample is the default of express edition)
;StorageProvider = "OpenSim.Data.MSSQL.dll"
;ConnectionString = "Server=localhost\SQLEXPRESS;Database=opensim;User Id=opensim; password=***;"
; Uncomment the variables in this section only if you are in
; Hypergrid configuration. Otherwise, ignore.
;# {HomeURI} {Hypergrid} {The Home URL of this world} {}
;; If this is a standalone world, this is the address of this instance.
;; If this is a grided simulator, this is the address of the external robust server that
;; runs the UserAgentsService.
;; For example or
;; This is a default that can be overwritten in some sections.
HomeURI = ""
;# {GatekeeperURI} {Hypergrid} {The URL of the gatekeeper of this world} {}
;; If this is a standalone world, this is the address of this instance.
;; If this is a grided simulator, this is the address of the external robust server
;; that runs the Gatekeeper service.
;; For example or
;; This is a default that can be overwritten in some sections.
GatekeeperURI = ""
;; Choose one cache module and the corresponding config file, if it exists.
;; Copy the config .example file into your own .ini file and adapt that.
;; We recommend the use of the FlotsamAssetCache since this is most actively maintained.
AssetCaching = "FlotsamAssetCache"
Include-FlotsamCache = "config-include/FlotsamCache.ini"
;AssetCaching = "CenomeMemoryAssetCache"
;Include-CenomeCache = "config-include/CenomeCache.ini"
;AssetCaching = "GlynnTuckerAssetCache"
;; Optionally, the port for the LLProxyLoginModule module can be changed
;Setup_LLProxyLoginModule = "9090/"
;; Authorization is not on by default, as it depends on external php
;AuthorizationServices = "RemoteAuthorizationServicesConnector"
DefaultAssetLoader = "OpenSim.Framework.AssetLoader.Filesystem.dll"
AssetLoaderArgs = "assets/AssetSets.xml"
; Change this to your grid-wide asset server. Do not add a slash to the end of any of these addresses.
AssetServerURI = ""
; Change this to your grid-wide inventory server
InventoryServerURI = ""
; Change this to your grid info service
GridInfoURI = ""
; Change this to your grid-wide grid server
GridServerURI = ""
;AllowHypergridMapSearch = true
;; Directory for map tile images of linked regions
MapTileDirectory = "./maptiles"
; === HG ONLY ===
;; Change this to the address of your Gatekeeper service
;; (usually bundled with the rest of the services in one
;; Robust server in port 8002, but not always)
; === HG ONLY ===
;; Change this to the address of your Gatekeeper service
;; (usually bundled with the rest of the services in one
;; Robust server in port 8002, but not always)
Gatekeeper = ""
; Change this to your grid-wide grid server
AvatarServerURI = ""
; Change this to your grid-wide presence server
PresenceServerURI = ""
; Change this to your grid-wide user accounts server
UserAccountServerURI = ""
; Change this to your grid-wide user accounts server
GridUserServerURI = ""
; Change this to your grid-wide authentication server
AuthenticationServerURI = ""
; Change this to your grid-wide friends server
FriendsServerURI = ""
; === HG ONLY ===
; Change this to your server
; accessible from other grids
HomeURI = ""
Gatekeeper = ""
;; If you want to protect your assets from being copied by foreign visitors
;; uncomment the next line. You may want to do this on sims that have licensed content.
; OutboundPermission = False
;; Send visual reminder to local users that their inventories are unavailable while they are traveling
;; and available when they return. True by default.
RestrictInventoryAccessAbroad = True
; === HG ONLY ===
; Change this to your server
; accessible from other grids
HomeURI = ""
;; The asset types that this grid can export to / import from other grids.
;; Comma separated.
;; Valid values are all the asset types in OpenMetaverse.AssetType, namely:
;; Unknown, Texture, Sound, CallingCard, Landmark, Clothing, Object, Notecard, LSLText,
;; LSLBytecode, TextureTGA, Bodypart, SoundWAV, ImageTGA, ImageJPEG, Animation, Gesture, Mesh
;; Leave blank or commented if you don't want to apply any restrictions.
;; A more strict, but still reasonable, policy may be to disallow the exchange
;; of scripts, like so:
; DisallowExport ="LSLText"
; DisallowImport ="LSLBytecode"
; User level required to be able to send friendship invitations to foreign users
;LevelHGFriends = 0;
; === HG ONLY ===
; Change this to your user agent server (HG robust)
UserAgentServerURI = ""
MapImageServerURI = ""
; If you have regions with access restrictions
; specify them here using the convention
; Region_<Region_Name> = <flags>
; Valid flags are:
; DisallowForeigners -- HG visitors not allowed
; DisallowResidents -- only Admins and Managers allowed
; Example:
; Region_Test_1 = "DisallowForeigners"
;; Uncomment if you are using SimianGrid for grid services
;; SimianGrid services URL
;; SimianServiceURL = ""
;; Capability assigned by the grid administrator for the simulator
;; SimulatorCapability = "00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000"
Natürlich mit euren Daten,..nicht mit der meines lokalen Testgrids.
Falls die GridHypergrid.ini in dem config-include-Verzeichnis noch mit example endet entsprechend ohne example umbenennen.
Have Fun