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ossl Informationspaneel
ossl Informationspaneel

XEngine und YEngine
Version 14

// Informationspanel von Manfred Aabye
// Einfach ein Prim erstellen und dieses Skript einfuegen.
// Dieses Skript startet nur einmal und zeigt das ergebnis an, also lag frei.
// Ihr braucht das Skript nur ab und zu zuruecksetzen.
// Wenn ihr moechtet koennt ihr auch einen Timer einbauen.
// Dieses Skript ist freeware.

// #######################################################################################

// Color Name:
//     "AliceBlue", "AntiqueWhite", "Aqua", "Aquamarine", "Azure", "Beige", "Bisque",
//     "Black", "BlanchedAlmond", "Blue", "BlueViolet", "Brown", "BurlyWood",
//     "CadetBlue", "Chartreuse", "Chocolate", "Coral", "CornflowerBlue", "Cornsilk",
//     "Crimson", "Cyan", "DarkBlue", "DarkCyan", "DarkGoldenrod", "DarkGrey",
//     "DarkGreen", "DarkKhaki", "DarkMagenta", "DarkOliveGreen", "DarkOrange",
//     "DarkOrchid", "DarkRed", "DarkSalmon", "DarkSeaGreen", "DarkSlateBlue",
//     "DarkSlateGrey", "DarkTurquoise", "DarkViolet", "DeepPink", "DeepSkyBlue",
//     "DimGrey", "DodgerBlue", "FireBrick", "FloralWhite", "ForestGreen", "Fuchsia",
//     "Gainsboro", "GhostWhite", "Gold", "Goldenrod", "Grey", "Green", "GreenYellow",
//     "Honeydew", "HotPink", "IndianRed", "Indigo", "Ivory", "Khaki", "Lavender",
//     "LavenderBlush", "LawnGreen", "LemonChiffon", "LightBlue", "LightCoral",
//     "LightCyan", "LightGoldenrodYellow", "LightGreen", "LightGrey", "LightPink",
//     "LightSalmon", "LightSeaGreen", "LightSkyBlue", "LightSlateGrey",
//     "LightSteelBlue", "LightYellow", "Lime", "LimeGreen", "Linen", "Magenta",
//     "Maroon", "MediumAquamarine", "MediumBlue", "MediumOrchid", "MediumPurple",
//     "MediumSeaGreen", "MediumSlateBlue", "MediumSpringGreen", "MediumTurquoise",
//     "MediumVioletRed", "MidnightBlue", "MintCream", "MistyRose", "Moccasin",
//     "NavajoWhite", "Navy", "OldLace", "Olive", "OliveDrab", "Orange", "OrangeRed",
//     "Orchid", "PaleGoldenrod", "PaleGreen", "PaleTurquoise", "PaleVioletRed",
//     "PapayaWhip", "PeachPuff", "Peru", "Pink", "Plum", "PowderBlue", "Purple",
//     "Red", "RosyBrown", "RoyalBlue", "SaddleBrown", "Salmon", "SandyBrown",
//     "SeaGreen", "Seashell", "Sienna", "Silver", "SkyBlue", "SlateBlue", "SlateGrey",
//     "Snow", "SpringGreen", "SteelBlue", "Tan", "Teal", "Thistle", "Tomato",
//     "Turquoise", "Violet", "Wheat", "White", "WhiteSmoke", "Yellow", "YellowGreen"

// Screen Setup
string SetupScreen = "width:512,height:512,bgcolour:black";

// Text Color
string TextColor1 = "YellowGreen";
string TextColor2 = "LimeGreen";

// Translation Text

string Text000 = " Information";
string Text001 = "Grid Name: ";
string Text002 = "URL: ";
string Text003 = "Gesamtspeicher: ";
string Text004 = "Regionsgroesse: ";
string Text005 = "Skript Engine: ";
string Text006 = "Physik Engine: ";
string Text007 = "Regionsname: ";
string Text008 = "Region FPS: ";
string Text009 = "Sim FPS: ";
string Text010 = "Physics FPS: ";
string Text011 = "Time Dilation: ";
string Text012 = "Root Agents: ";
string Text013 = "Child Agents: ";
string Text014 = "Total Prims: ";
string Text015 = "Aktive Scripts: ";
string Text016 = "Script LPS: ";
string Text017 = "Frame MS: ";
string Text018 = "Physik MS: ";
string Text019 = "Aktive Prims: ";
string Text020 = "Ausstehende Downloads: ";
string Text021 = "Ausstehende Uploads: ";

// English
string Text000 = "Information";
string Text001 = "Grid Name:";
string Text002 = "URL:";
string Text003 = "Total memory:";
string Text004 = "Region size:";
string Text005 = "Script Engine:";
string Text006 = "Physics Engine:";
string Text007 = "Region Name:";
string Text008 = "Region FPS:";
string Text009 = "Sim FPS:";
string Text010 = "Physics FPS:";
string Text011 = "Time Dilation:";
string Text012 = "Root Agents:";
string Text013 = "Child Agents:";
string Text014 = "Total Prims:";
string Text015 = "Active scripts:";
string Text016 = "Script LPS:";
string Text017 = "Frame MS:";
string Text018 = "Physics MS:";
string Text019 = "Active prims:";
string Text020 = "Pending downloads:";
string Text021 = "Pending uploads:";

string Text000 = "情報";
string Text001 = "グリッド名:";
string Text002 = "URL:";
string Text003 = "合計メモリ:";
string Text004 = "領域サイズ:";
string Text005 = "スクリプトエンジン:";
string Text006 = "物理エンジン:";
string Text007 = "地域名:";
string Text008 = "リージョンFPS:";
string Text009 = "Sim FPS:";
string Text010 = "物理FPS:";
string Text011 = "Time Dilation:";
string Text012 = "ルートエージェント:";
string Text013 = "子エージェント:";
string Text014 = "合計プリム:";
string Text015 = "アクティブスクリプト:";
string Text016 = "スクリプトLPS:";
string Text017 = "Frame MS:";
string Text018 = "物理MS:";
string Text019 = "アクティブプリム:";
string Text020 = "保留中のダウンロード:";
string Text021 = "保留中のアップロード:";

chaîne Text000 = "Information";
string Text001 = "Nom de la grille:";
chaîne Text002 = "URL:";
chaîne Text003 = "Mémoire totale:";
string Text004 = "Taille de la région:";
chaîne Text005 = "Moteur de script:";
chaîne Text006 = "Moteur physique:";
string Text007 = "Nom de la région:";
chaîne Text008 = "Région FPS:";
chaîne Text009 = "Sim FPS:";
string Text010 = "Physics FPS:";
string Text011 = "Time Dilation:";
string Text012 = "Agents racine:";
string Text013 = "Agents enfants:";
string Text014 = "Total Prims:";
string Text015 = "Scripts actifs:";
string Text016 = "Script LPS:";
string Text017 = "Frame MS:";
string Text018 = "Physique MS:";
string Text019 = "Prims actifs:";
string Text020 = "Téléchargements en attente:";
string Text021 = "Téléchargements en attente:";

// Translation Text End

// #######################################################################################

string TotalMem;
integer TotMemUsed;

        string CommandList = "";

        CommandList = osSetPenSize( CommandList, 2 ); // Linienstaerke
        CommandList = osSetFontSize( CommandList, 20 ); //Schriftgroesse
        CommandList = osSetFontSize( CommandList, 20 ); //Schriftgroesse

        // Abfrage Statistiken

        CommandList = osMovePen( CommandList, 30, 01 );           // Position Breite, Hoehe
        CommandList = osSetPenColor( CommandList, TextColor1 );           // Schriftfarbe
        CommandList = osDrawText( CommandList, osGetGridName() + Text000 ); // Textausgabe

        CommandList = osDrawLine( CommandList, 1, 30, 512, 30 );

        CommandList = osSetFontSize( CommandList, 14 ); //Schriftgroesse

        CommandList = osMovePen( CommandList, 30, 30 );
        CommandList = osSetPenColor( CommandList, TextColor1 );           // Schriftfarbe
        CommandList = osDrawText( CommandList, Text001 + osGetGridName());

        CommandList = osMovePen( CommandList, 30, 50 );
        CommandList = osSetPenColor( CommandList, TextColor1 );           // Schriftfarbe
        CommandList = osDrawText( CommandList, Text002 + osGetGridLoginURI());

        CommandList = osMovePen( CommandList, 30, 70 );
        CommandList = osSetPenColor( CommandList, TextColor1 );           // Schriftfarbe
        CommandList = osDrawText( CommandList, osGetSimulatorVersion());

        CommandList = osSetPenColor( CommandList, TextColor2 );           // Schriftfarbe
        CommandList = osDrawLine( CommandList, 30, 96, 480, 96 );
        CommandList = osSetFontSize( CommandList, 12 ); //Schriftgroesse

        CommandList = osMovePen( CommandList, 30, 100 );
            // Get Memory and format it
    string TotalMem;
    string TotMemUsed;
    //string TxtTail ="OpenSimulator Instanz verwendet.";
// MEMory
    TotMemUsed = (string)osGetSimulatorMemoryKB();
    integer Len = llStringLength(TotMemUsed);

    if (Len == 5) // ##.### MB
        string Mem1 = llGetSubString(TotMemUsed, 0, 1);
        string Mem2 = llGetSubString(TotMemUsed, 2, 4);
        TotalMem = Mem1 + "." + Mem2 + "Mb";

    else if (Len == 6) //###.### MB
        string Mem1 = llGetSubString(TotMemUsed, 0, 2);
        string Mem2 = llGetSubString(TotMemUsed, 3, 5);
        TotalMem = Mem1 + "." + Mem2 + "Mb";

    else if (Len == 7) //#.### GB
        string Mem1 = llGetSubString(TotMemUsed, 0, 0);
        string Mem2 = llGetSubString(TotMemUsed, 1, 3);
        TotalMem = Mem1 + "." + Mem2 + "Gb";

    else if(Len == 8) //##.### GB
        string Mem1 = llGetSubString(TotMemUsed, 0, 1);
        string Mem2 = llGetSubString(TotMemUsed, 2, 4);
        TotalMem = Mem1 + "." + Mem2 + "Gb";
        TotMemUsed = (string)osGetSimulatorMemoryKB();
        CommandList = osSetPenColor( CommandList, TextColor1 );           // Schriftfarbe

        CommandList = osDrawText( CommandList, Text003 + TotalMem + "\n");

        CommandList = osMovePen( CommandList, 30, 120 );
        CommandList = osSetPenColor( CommandList, TextColor2 );           // Schriftfarbe
        CommandList = osDrawText( CommandList, Text004 + (string)osGetRegionSize());

        CommandList = osMovePen( CommandList, 30, 140 );
        CommandList = osSetPenColor( CommandList, TextColor1 );           // Schriftfarbe
        CommandList = osDrawText( CommandList, Text005 + osGetScriptEngineName());

        CommandList = osMovePen( CommandList, 30, 160 );
        CommandList = osSetPenColor( CommandList, TextColor2 );           // Schriftfarbe
        CommandList = osDrawText( CommandList, Text006 + osGetPhysicsEngineName());

        CommandList = osMovePen( CommandList, 30, 180 );
        CommandList = osSetPenColor( CommandList, TextColor1 );           // Schriftfarbe
        CommandList = osDrawText( CommandList, Text007 + (string)llGetRegionName());

        CommandList = osMovePen( CommandList, 30, 200 );
        CommandList = osSetPenColor( CommandList, TextColor2 );           // Schriftfarbe
        CommandList = osDrawText( CommandList, Text008 + (string)llGetRegionFPS());

        CommandList = osMovePen( CommandList, 30, 220 );
        CommandList = osSetPenColor( CommandList, TextColor1 );           // Schriftfarbe
        list Stats = osGetRegionStats();
        CommandList = osDrawText( CommandList, Text009 + (string) llList2Float( Stats, STATS_SIM_FPS ));

        CommandList = osMovePen( CommandList, 30, 240 );
        CommandList = osSetPenColor( CommandList, TextColor2 );           // Schriftfarbe
        CommandList = osDrawText( CommandList, Text010 + (string) llList2Float( Stats, STATS_PHYSICS_FPS ));

        CommandList = osMovePen( CommandList, 30, 260 );
        CommandList = osSetPenColor( CommandList, TextColor1 );           // Schriftfarbe
        CommandList = osDrawText( CommandList, Text011 + (string) llList2Float( Stats, STATS_TIME_DILATION ));

        CommandList = osMovePen( CommandList, 30, 280 );
        CommandList = osSetPenColor( CommandList, TextColor2 );           // Schriftfarbe
        CommandList = osDrawText( CommandList, Text012 + (string) llList2Integer( Stats, STATS_ROOT_AGENTS ));

        CommandList = osMovePen( CommandList, 30, 300 );
        CommandList = osSetPenColor( CommandList, TextColor1 );           // Schriftfarbe
        CommandList = osDrawText( CommandList, Text013 + (string) llList2Integer( Stats, STATS_CHILD_AGENTS ));

        CommandList = osMovePen( CommandList, 30, 320 );
        CommandList = osSetPenColor( CommandList, TextColor2 );           // Schriftfarbe
        CommandList = osDrawText( CommandList, Text014 + (string) llList2Integer( Stats, STATS_TOTAL_PRIMS ));

        CommandList = osMovePen( CommandList, 30, 340 );
        CommandList = osSetPenColor( CommandList, TextColor1 );           // Schriftfarbe
        CommandList = osDrawText( CommandList, Text015 + (string) llList2Integer( Stats, STATS_ACTIVE_SCRIPTS ));

        CommandList = osMovePen( CommandList, 30, 360 );
        CommandList = osSetPenColor( CommandList, TextColor2 );           // Schriftfarbe
        CommandList = osDrawText( CommandList, Text016 + (string) llList2Float( Stats, STATS_SCRIPT_LPS ));

        CommandList = osMovePen( CommandList, 30, 380 );
        CommandList = osSetPenColor( CommandList, TextColor1 );           // Schriftfarbe
        CommandList = osDrawText( CommandList, Text017 + (string) llList2Float( Stats, STATS_FRAME_MS ));

        CommandList = osMovePen( CommandList, 30, 400 );
        CommandList = osSetPenColor( CommandList, TextColor2 );           // Schriftfarbe
        CommandList = osDrawText( CommandList, Text018 + (string) llList2Float( Stats, STATS_PHYSICS_MS ));

        CommandList = osMovePen( CommandList, 30, 420 );
        CommandList = osSetPenColor( CommandList, TextColor1 );           // Schriftfarbe
        CommandList = osDrawText( CommandList, Text019 + (string) llList2Float( Stats, STATS_ACTIVE_PRIMS ));

        CommandList = osMovePen( CommandList, 30, 440 );
        CommandList = osSetPenColor( CommandList, TextColor2 );           // Schriftfarbe
        CommandList = osDrawText( CommandList, Text020 + (string) llList2Float( Stats, STATS_PENDING_DOWNLOADS ));

        CommandList = osMovePen( CommandList, 30, 460 );
        CommandList = osSetPenColor( CommandList, TextColor1 );           // Schriftfarbe
        CommandList = osDrawText( CommandList, Text021 + (string) llList2Float( Stats, STATS_PENDING_UPLOADS ));
        // Ende abfrage Statistiken

        // Text anzeigen
        osSetDynamicTextureData( "", "vector", CommandList, SetupScreen, 0 );
Ein Metaversum sind viele kleine Räume, die nahtlos aneinander passen,
sowie direkt sichtbar und begehbar sind, als wäre es aus einem Guss.

[-] The following 1 user says Thank You to Manfred Aabye for this post:
  • Gau Hax

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