24.04.2022, 12:46
(Dieser Beitrag wurde zuletzt bearbeitet: 24.04.2022, 12:54 von Manfred Aabye.)
Das ist ein Skript welches Leute nach Namen rauswirft.
Diese Namensliste wird in einer Notecard namens "bannedlist" Zeilenweise geschrieben.
Der/Die gelisteten Leute werden von der Region geworfen.
Der vorteil ist das nicht nach dem Ursprung also Grid geschaut wird sondern nur nach Namen.
bannedlist Beispiel:
Max Mustermann
John Doe
OSSL Secure Skript(kein php):
Diese Namensliste wird in einer Notecard namens "bannedlist" Zeilenweise geschrieben.
Der/Die gelisteten Leute werden von der Region geworfen.
Der vorteil ist das nicht nach dem Ursprung also Grid geschaut wird sondern nur nach Namen.
bannedlist Beispiel:
Max Mustermann
John Doe
OSSL Secure Skript(kein php):
// Secure Stick
//free to use, modify, copy or transfer
//Create a notecard with the name blacklist.
//Enter the unwanted people line by line.
key second = NULL_KEY; // fill in a second key if you want
string active = "active";
float range = 256.0; // Bereich, in dem wir nach Personen suchen, um zu überprüfen, ob sie auf der bannedlist stehen
float rate = 1.0; // Wie oft ein sensor-no_sensor in die Warteschlange gestellt wird.
key nrofnamesoncard; // Some variables used to collect all the data from the notecard
integer nrofnames;
list names;
list keynameoncard;
string nameoncard;
string storedname;
integer listener;
default // We use the default state to read the notecard.
llOwnerSay("Startup state reading bannedlist notecard");
nrofnamesoncard = llGetNumberOfNotecardLines("bannedlist"); // Triggers the notecard reading by getting the numer of lines in the notecard
on_rez (integer param)
dataserver (key queryid, string data){
if (queryid == nrofnamesoncard)
// When we receive the number of lines in the notecard we do llGetNotecardLine for each line to get the contents
nrofnames = (integer) data;
llOwnerSay("Found "+(string)nrofnames+ " names in bannedlist.");
integer i;
for (i=0;i < nrofnames;i++){
keynameoncard += llGetNotecardLine("bannedlist", i);
} else
integer listlength;
listlength = llGetListLength(keynameoncard);
integer j;
for(j=0;j<listlength;j++) {
if (queryid == (key) llList2String(keynameoncard,j))
{ // after checking if this really was an answer to one of our llGetNotecardLines calls (checking the keys we stored earlier)
// We add the name to our names list. Which we will use in a later state.
llOwnerSay("Name added to bannedlist: "+data);
names += data;
if (llGetListLength(names) == nrofnames)
// If we have read all the names (just as many names as there where notecard lines). We switch to our next state "start"
// This state will do the actual work
llOwnerSay ("Done with reading notecard. Starting script now");
state start;
state start
state_entry ()
// This is where we enter our state. We start 2 listeneres. One for our owner and one for our second owner..
llListen(9, "", llGetOwner(), "");
llListen(9, "", second, "");
llSensorRepeat("", NULL_KEY, AGENT, range, PI, rate); // We also start scanning for people in it's vincinity. This scan scans for AGENS (avatars), in a range we determinded above (first few lines). And PI means a full circle around us. In theory you could just scan parts of it.
on_rez(integer param)
listen(integer channel, string name, key id, string message)
{ // This is our listen event. Here we receive all commands to control the orbs behaviour.
if (message == "activate") // Starts the orb
active = "active";
if (message == "deactivate") // Stops the orb
active = "deactive";
if (message == "reset") // Resets the script
if (llGetSubString(message,0,4) == "range"){ // If the command was range. We extract the new range from the command. Stop the sensor and start it again with the new range.
range = (float) llGetSubString(message,6,-1);
llSensorRepeat("", NULL_KEY, AGENT, range, PI, rate);
llOwnerSay("Changed range to: "+(string) range);
sensor(integer nr)
// Here is where all people found in its vincinity are returned.
if (active == "active") // first we make sure the orb is active before we continue
integer i;
for (i = 0; i < nr; i++) //Here we start to loop throug all persons we found. We do this one by one.
string found = "yes";
string nametotest = llDetectedName(i);
integer j;
for (j = 0; j < llGetListLength(names); j++) // We scan through the list of names to see if this person is whitelisted
if (llList2String(names, j) == nametotest){
found = "no"; // When found we set found to true.
if (found == "no" && llOverMyLand(llDetectedKey(i)) && (llDetectedKey(i) != llGetOwner())) // ifperson has not been found, check if this person is on our land. we will never kick the owner ;)
if (llOverMyLand(llDetectedKey(i))) // Ok let's see if he has left.
// kicked off the land
if (llOverMyLand(llDetectedKey(i))) // Is it still there?
// kicked off the land
Ein Metaversum sind viele kleine Räume, die nahtlos aneinander passen,
sowie direkt sichtbar und begehbar sind, als wäre es aus einem Guss.
sowie direkt sichtbar und begehbar sind, als wäre es aus einem Guss.