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Startscript für OpenSim etc
Hallo zusammen ;D

Ich hab ein schönes Startscript gefunden das eigentlich für einen Minecraft Server gedacht war. Das ganze wurde dann von einen lieben User umgeschrieben, so das dieses auch für OpenSim/Arriba oder halt WhiteCore Sim brauchbar ist.

Hier der Code


################################ ABOUT ###################################
#                                                                        #
# Author:      Enrico Ludwig (Morph)                                     #
# Version: (14. May 2014)                                    #
# License:     GNU GPL v2 (See: #
# Created:     14. May 2014                                              #
# Description: Control your Arriba - Sim                              #
#                                                                        #







# Prints info message to shell
function info {

# Prints error message to shell
function error {

# Prints warning message to shell
function warn {

# Checks, if package 'screen' is installed
# 1 = Package is installed
# 2 = Package is NOT installed
function isScreenInstalled {
  screen -v &> /dev/null
  if [[ $? -eq 1 ]]; then
    echo 1
  elif [[ $? -eq 127 ]]; then
    echo 0
    echo 0

# 1 = Server is running
# 0 = Server is not running
function isRunning {
  # At first, check if there is already a screen session
  $(screen -ls | grep -q "$SCREEN_NAME")
  if [[ $? -eq 0 ]]; then
    echo 1
    echo 0

# This function returns the PID of the screen session $SCREEN_NAME
# (see definition at the top of this file)
function getScreenPid {
  local SCREEN_PID=$(screen -ls | grep "$SCREEN_NAME" | grep -oEi "([0-9]+)\." | tr -d '.')
  echo $SCREEN_PID

# Send the given arguments as command to the server
function doCmd {
  if [[ -z $1 ]]; then
    error "There is no command given to execute"

  if [[ $(isRunning) -eq 1 ]]; then
    screen -S "$SCREEN_NAME" -p 0 -X stuff "$* $(printf \\r)"
    error "There is no Server running with Screen Name '$SCREEN_NAME'"

# Opens the console (screen session $SCREEN_NAME)
function openConsole {
  if [[ $(isRunning) -eq 1 ]]; then
    screen -r "$SCREEN_NAME"
    error "There is no Server running with Screen Name '$SCREEN_NAME'"

# Starts the Arriba - sim server
function startServer {
  # Check if given EXE file is existing
  if [[ ! -f $SERVER_EXE ]]; then
    error "Could not find Server EXE file '$SERVER_EXE'"
    error "Please set SERVER_EXE constant in $0"
    exit 1

  local RUNNING=$(isRunning)
  if [[ $RUNNING -eq 0 ]]; then
    if [[ $JDK_INSTALLED -eq 1 ]]; then
      screen -S "$SCREEN_NAME" -d -m mono "$SERVER_EXE"

      local ERR_CODE=$?

      if [[ $ERR_CODE -eq 0 ]]; then
        # Save PID
        local PID=$(getScreenPid)
        echo $PID > "$"
        info "Starting Arriba - Sim Server ..."
        info "Using Executable: $SERVER_EXE"
        info "Process ID: $PID"
        info "Server started successfully!"
        error "Could not start Arriba - Sim Server (Error Code: $ERR_CODE)"
        # Error Code 127 = Screen is not installed
        if [[ $ERR_CODE -eq 127 ]]; then
          error "You have to install the package 'screen'"
      screen -S "$SCREEN_NAME" -d -m mono "$SERVER_EXE"

      local ERR_CODE=$?

      if [[ $ERR_CODE -eq 0 ]]; then
        # Save PID
        local PID=$(getScreenPid)
        echo $PID > "$"

        info "Starting Arriba - Sim Server ..."
        info "Using Executable: $SERVER_EXE"
        info "Process ID: $PID"
        info "Server started successfully!"
        error "Could not start Arriba - Sim Server (Error Code: $ERR_CODE)"
        # Error Code 127 = Screen is not installed
        if [[ $ERR_CODE -eq 127 ]]; then
          error "You have to install the package 'screen'"
    warn "The server is still running!"
    warn "You can restart the script using 'restart'"

# Stops the Arriba - sim server
function stopServer {
  info "Stopping Arriba - Sim Server ($SCREEN_NAME)"
  if [[ $(isRunning) -eq 0 ]]; then
    warn "Server is NOT running!"
    rm -Rf "$"
    doCmd "shutdown"
  local TRIES=0 # After 5 tries, error will be thrown
  while sleep 1
    info "Shutting down ..."
    if [[ $TRIES -ge 5 ]]; then
      # Check running again and give feedback
      if [[ $(isRunning) -eq 1 ]]; then
        error "Stopping server failed! You should check the server log files"
        info "Server was stopped successfully!"
    # Only if the server is offline, remove the PID file
    if [[ $(isRunning) -eq 0 ]]; then
      rm -Rf "$"

# Prints the help message
function printHelp {
  # Set color to white
  echo -e "$COLOR_LGRAY"
  printf "###########################\n"
  printf "### ARRIBASTART v${VERSION} ###\n"
  printf "###########################\n\n"
  printf "Developed by Enrico Ludwig (Morph)\n\n"
  printf "~$ whitestart [start|stop|restart|status|help|(Arriba command)] [(params)]\n\n"
  printf "Examples:\n"
  printf "1. ./ start (Starts the server from the current directory)\n"
  printf "2. ./ stop (Stopps the server from the current directory)\n"
  printf "3. ./ status (Prints the server status (online / offline))\n"
  printf "4. ./ restart (Restarts the server from the current directory)\n"
  printf "5. ./ reload (Reloads the server (alias for 'cmd reload')\n"
  printf "6. ./ console (Opens the screen session with the server console)\n"
  printf "7. ./ cmd [cmdname] {params} (Executes the given Server Command with optional arguments)\n"
  printf "8. ./ help (Shows this help)\n\n"

  printf "Questions? Ideas? Bugs? Contact me here:\n\n"
  # Reset color to default
  echo -e "$COLOR_DEFAULT"


# Check, if first Param is set, or print help if not
if [[ -z $1 ]]; then

# Check if screen is installed!

if [[ $SCREEN_INSTALLED -eq 0 ]]; then
  error "You have to install the package 'screen'"
  error "On Debian based Systems (like Ubuntu) you can do: 'apt-get install screen'"
  error "On RedHat based Systems (like CentOS) you can do: 'yum install screen'"
  exit 1

# Server control
case "$1" in
    if [[ $(isRunning) -eq 1 ]]; then
      info "The Server with screen name '$SCREEN_NAME' is running!"
      info "The Server with screen name '$SCREEN_NAME' is NOT running!"
    doCmd ${@:2}
    doCmd "reload"
    if [[ $(isRunning) -eq 1 ]]; then
      info "Entering Server Console"
      info "Exiting Server Console"
      error "The Server with screen name '$SCREEN_NAME' is NOT running!"
    error "Unknown command '$1'"

Und hier die Quelle wo ich das Script bekomme hab.
Have a nice Day ;D

>> BogusMusikRausch alle 14 Tage an einem Donnerstag, um 20 Uhr in Uwes KeulenBar


Bogus | | M:
Feine Sache.Wink
Du hast aber vergessen zu erwähnen,..das dieses ausschließlich für Linux gemacht ist.Big Grin
naja unter Windows braucht man ja so ein Script ja nicht *gg
Have a nice Day ;D

>> BogusMusikRausch alle 14 Tage an einem Donnerstag, um 20 Uhr in Uwes KeulenBar


Bogus | | M:
Hallo zusammen ;D

Hab hier noch ein StartScript für OpenSim gefunden, nicht von mir getestet ...

# for usage, run without arguments
# see ../README for setup instructions.

# Original code by Dave Coyle (
# Tweaks by Gwyneth Llewelyn (

# Requires bash 4

# The original script assumed that you‘d be running one sim per instance,
#  and launch a different script per sim.
# These changes assume you have multiple instances with multiple sims,
#  and that instance names are launched all from the same place with
#  an unique identification for each

# List of valid instances. Make sure you add all of your instances here
declare -A instances
for index in <Region 1> <Region 2> <Region x>

show_help() {
    echo "Input: opensim {start|stop|open|restart|console} "
    echo -n "    for following Regions: "
    echo ${!instances[*]}

# Change <opensim_user> with your valid opensim user
check_user() {
    if [ $USER != '<opensim_user>' ]; then
        echo "Only <opensim_user> is allowed to use the script"
        exit 1

setup() {
    if [ ! $1 ]; then
        exit 1

# Change the directories inline with your installation directories
# The pid_dir must be set to the value, you used in OpenSim.exe.config
# within your regions path
if [[ ${instances[$SIM]} ]]; then
        # set GRID_DIR to the subdirectory where your individual
        #  instance configuration is
        echo "Region ${SIM} is unknown. Exit."
        exit 1;

do_start() {
    if [ ! $1 ]; then
        exit 1

    setup $SIM

    cd ${OPENSIM_DIR}/bin && $SCREEN -S $SIM -d -m -l $MONO OpenSim.exe -hypergrid=true -inidirectory="$GRID_DIR/$SIM" -logconfig="$GRID_DIR/$SIM/OpenSim.exe.config"

do_kill() {
    if [ ! $1 ]; then
        exit 1

    setup $SIM

    if [ -f $PID ]; then
        kill -9 `cat $PID`
        echo "Region ${SIM} PID not found."
        exit 1

do_console() {
    if [ ! $1 ]; then
        exit 1

    setup $1

    cd ${OPENSIM_DIR}/bin && $SCREEN -S $SIM -d -m -l $MONO OpenSim.exe -hypergrid=true -inidirectory="$GRID_DIR/$SIM" -logconfig="$GRID_DIR/$SIM/OpenSim.exe.config"

do_open() {
if [ ! $1 ]; then
        exit 1

    setup $SIM

    if [ -f $PID ]; then
        screen -r $SIM
        echo "Region ${SIM} PID not found."
        exit 1

case "$1" in
        do_start $2
        do_kill $2
    do_open $2
        do_kill $2
        do_kill $2
        do_start $2
        do_console $2

Have a nice Day ;D

>> BogusMusikRausch alle 14 Tage an einem Donnerstag, um 20 Uhr in Uwes KeulenBar


Bogus | | M:

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