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Wünsche an das Entwicklerteam
Habe eine Antwort aus der dev-mailing Liste bekommen.
Nichts was wir noch ned wissen,wil euch aber auf den laufenden halten. Hier der Inhalt Smile:

In spite of the appearance of completeness in many things, it is only so
from a perspective of practicum: many things, hypergrid among them, continue
to see very active development, or remain in a state of rest while the
developers take time for other matters.

The state of affairs with hypergrid specifically is that people have checked
out code from the repository that has varying and progressive (yet still
incomplete) units of programming for hypergrid, and while some of these may
work well with others, some do not work well with others at all.

The best way to ensure that hypergrid will work predictably for you and your
user community is to *make sure that they all run precisely the same code.*
In other words, everyone run the same revision from the git repository, or
use an OSGrid release (OSGrid managers also help manage the opensimulator
release cycle).

I hope this information can help you Big Grin

James aka Hiro Protagonist on OSGrid/FreenodeIRC
Danke für die Antwort,James Smile

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