22.05.2022, 22:09
Mir langt es, ich habe eine Antwort bekommen vom Owner des Avitron Grids. Sie bestärkt mich, so leid es mir tut für die Unschuldigen den Bann aufrecht zu erhalten.!!
Hier der Schriftverkehr:
Die Antwort:
Hier der Schriftverkehr:
Zitat: Dorena Verne 4 hours ago
hi what do you suggest I'm a bit confused:
Thalion wrote to me earlier that two people from Avitron copied a complete var from him.
Unfortunately, one often reads that "visitors" like to come from there and skim like crazy.
At Thailon's request, I blocked Avitron as a first reaction.
I'm not entirely happy with that, since we've already had nice visitors from there.
Unfortunately, there have already been visitors from other grids who use this rather unfriendly way.
I'm a bit at a loss now, since I actually don't like making such decisions over the heads of my residents.
What do you think?
Here is the discussion: https://www.gridtalk.de/showthread.php?t...&pid=47452#...
Die Antwort:
Zitat:Avitron Your Fantasy is Online 24 minutes ago
All lies. We even charge for UPLOADING in AVITRON. People are just hating the fact AVITRON is number 1 in traffic. We are being successful and the haters and hypocrites should stop being SORE LOSERS! I am fed up with the nonesense and I will start acting against these people who are ALL HYPOCRITES!