16.03.2013, 10:19
Zitat:Huhu Metros,
wir haben ein Mail von einem "Board-Member" des OSgrid erhalten. Das Mail wanderte zunächst in den Spam, da weder Betreff noch Mail-Adresse auf OSgrid hinwiesen.
Der Inhalt des Mails:
I would like to first introduce myself. I am Lawrence A. Roberts in real life. On OSgrid my avatar is albertlr Landar and I have recently volunteered as a user of OSgrid to be on their new Board of Directors and to try to help resolve several problems that have come up recently. I and the other two Board Members have met this past Thursday, and we decided that as one of the on going problems is the current block on hypergrid teleporting to and from the Metropolis Grid that it would be in everyone's best interest to try to resolve this situation as soon as possible. They asked me to contact someone that is responsible for that grid and see if we can set up some means of communication between us to resolve this problem. I should also mention that the block was not officially authorized by the Board. It was instituted by one of the volunteer managers. So if I may request your help in determining who I should talk to about this I would appreciate your assistance. Thank you for your time and consideration.
Und das ist die Antwort unseres Sponsors, der ja presserechtlich noch für hypergrid.org verantwortlich ist:
Dear Mr. Roberts,
thank you for your email. Unfortunately our answer has been somewhat delayed, because your email was classified as spam.
We have noted the contents of your email with interest. Our only problem is that we do not know you and we also do not have a verifiable confirmation of your status with OSGrid.
Please send us an according confirmation or write to us using an official OSGrid address.
Many thanks for your understanding and cooperation!
Peter Jacob
Wir halten euch auf dem Laufenden!
Viele Grüße