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Hogwarts leaves OSGRID
(28.01.2013, 03:04)Akira schrieb: Nachtrag:
(Das sind die Regeln, über die disktutiert wurde. Wer hier irgendwas sieht, wo steht dass man nicht als Kinderavatar rumlaufen darf, der schenke mir eine neue Brille). Aber das sind Regeln die quasi in jedem Grid gelten... hier explizit für für die OSgrid Plazas aufgeführt ...
Ist eine Frage was man unter den Kunstwort "Ageplay" versteht. Kann sehr vielseitig sein. Undecided
Na gut steht aber nur "Sexual Ageplay", verstehe dann nur nicht wieso man das extra schreiben muss.
(28.01.2013, 09:16)Catie Chiung schrieb: Ist eine Frage was man unter den Kunstwort "Ageplay" versteht. Kann sehr vielseitig sein. Undecided

Na ja, fragen wir mal Tante Wiki:
Ganz unten im Artikel ist auch SecondLife und Linden Lab erwähnt, welche das sexuelle Ageplay verbieten. Dass OSGrid da nachzieht ist verständlich und ich denke viele Grids halten das auch so.

Aaaber, und da ist meiner Meinung nach der Denkfehler von Hiro. Auch wenn ein erwachsener Mensch einen Kinderavatar steuert. Ist das meiner Meinung nach nicht zwingend "sexual Ageplay"...

Jetzt kann man sich das Leben einfach machen und sagen: "Die Beweisführung um "sexual Ageplay" festzustellen ist schwierig also lass ich es und verbiete mal generell alle Kinderavatare und werde entsprechendes Missachten mit Verbannung bestrafen. Aber ne "Harry Potter" Welt hat nun nix mit "sexual Ageplay" zu tun... und in allen demokratisch zivilisierten Staten gilt als erstes die sog. "Unschuldsvermutung" ( ) und da stör ich mich massivst an den Aussagen des Herrn Hiro !!! und auch der Firma Linden Lab ( da gibt es auch entsprechende Fälle wo einfach mal verbannt wurde ).

Fazit: Ich hab null Stress mit Hiro als Serveradministrator ... aber Sheriff Hiro, NO WAY !!!
Zitat:[14:48:20] Hiro Protagonist: and also the full amount for hosting
Diese Sache bringt mich ins grübeln. Finanziert Hiro wirklich die komplette Website des OpenSim-Projektes? Wie denken die Entwickler darüber?
Eigentlich sollte es in OSGrid mehr um die Entwicklung gehen und nicht um Regeln wie das Ageplay. Ich kenne Hiro nicht, aber ist schon bisschen beunruhigend, das sich die anderen beiden ihn so gewähren lassen. Jedenfalls ist das mein Eindruck in Moment.

Das Hiro die OS Wiki Seite hostet, heisst nicht das er sie auch alleine bezahlt. Denke eher die teilen sich die REchnung für das Hosten und alles was dazu gehört.Vielleicht läuft die Seite ja auch einen der Servers die Hiro inne hat.

Die Entwickler werden sich nicht an Hiros Meinung stören, denke sogar denen ist das allerlei, was da disktutiert wird. Ich meine damit die Core Entwickler ....
Have a nice Day ;D

>> BogusMusikRausch jeweils Donnerstag um 20 Uhr in Uwes KeulenBar


Bogus | | M:
(28.01.2013, 14:12)Catie Chiung schrieb:
Zitat:[14:48:20] Hiro Protagonist: and also the full amount for hosting
Diese Sache bringt mich ins grübeln. Finanziert Hiro wirklich die komplette Website des OpenSim-Projektes? Wie denken die Entwickler darüber?

Eine Webseite hosten, kostet nicht viel ... das Forum ist wahrscheinlich sogar dieselbe Software wie dieses Forum, das braucht nicht viel ...

Die zentralen Server ( asset, inventory ) und wie sie alle heissen, das sind die fetten dinger, die viel geld kosten plus die Plazas... irgendwo hab ich gelesen, dass er 1/4 davon bezahlt... der Rest wird aus Spendengeldern finanziert. Er ist sich nicht müde zu betonen, dass seit er die Führung übernommen hat, die "grossen" Spenden $20, $50 auf regelmässiger basis zugenommen haben.

... ich habe meine monatlichen $20 noch nicht gestrichen ...

(28.01.2013, 14:36)Bogus Curry schrieb: Eigentlich sollte es in OSGrid mehr um die Entwicklung gehen und nicht um Regeln wie das Ageplay.

Ganz meine Meinung. Ich hab mir überlegt fürs nächste Townhall ein T-Shirt zu machen: "Hiro for CTO" ( auf der vorderseite ) und "... but not more" ( auf der Rückseite ).

Erklärung: CTO ( Chief Technical Officer ) ist derjenige der sagt wo es mit der Technik lang geht, welche und wie viele Server eingesetzt werden, wie sie verkabelt werden usw. Das kann er und soll er auch machen dürfen.

Ueber dem CTO ist üblicherweise der CEO ( Chief Executive Officer ) und da will ich jemand anderes sehen.
Jupp, das unterschreib ich... Shy
DeReOS Grid -
Ich bin stinkesauer!!! Ist in rot markiert ....

[14:00:49] Hiro Protagonist is Online
[14:03:33] Hiro Protagonist: Let me say this: I've just come in from a five hour long drive, havent rezzed and will not be taking questions or comments today
[14:03:37] Adelle Fitzgerald: ill go for griefing too hehe
[14:03:41] Adelle Fitzgerald: hey Hiro
[14:03:50] Hiro Protagonist: I wount be starting the meting until I have rezzed
[14:03:58] Hiro Protagonist: meeting
[14:04:09] Adelle Fitzgerald throws Hiro a cold beer
[14:04:10] Talla Slade: I seeya, hi Hiro
[14:04:10] Boxster Karu is Online
[14:04:15] Shelann Morane: with sound Dan Banner?
[14:04:18] Hiro Protagonist is out of beers
[14:04:29] dan banner: hey hiro
[14:04:38] Hiro Protagonist is presently out of cash, the road trip having consumed the last of that
[14:04:38] dan banner: type sheleen
[14:04:43] stiofain nbmcmedia is Online
[14:04:50] Adelle Fitzgerald: you just come in from a 5 hour drive, youre not rezzing and you have no beer? man that sucks
[14:04:50] Fearghus McMahon: oh man...i hope you are not out of bubble gum too
[14:04:55] dan banner: have some tea hiro
[14:05:05] dan banner: grab a seat
[14:05:09] Hiro Protagonist: I have some coffee, thanks
[14:05:18] Hiro Protagonist: probably go for tea once I get caffienated
[14:05:29] Adelle Fitzgerald: Smile
[14:05:30] Hiro Protagonist: ahhh, the rez isw coming in
[14:05:31] Hiro Protagonist: is
[14:05:40] Adelle Fitzgerald: you ahve rezzed for me, fwiw
[14:05:43] Hiro Protagonist: thanks for the TP Amy
[14:05:47] Nebadon Izumi: ya it took me a few
[14:05:52] Dorothea Lundquist is Online
[14:06:14] Korgi Silvercloud: hello stiofan ^^
[14:06:31] stiofain nbmcmedia: hi
[14:06:40] Korgi Silvercloud: hello phil ^^
[14:06:46] Phil Dudek: good day Smile
[14:07:41] Hiro Protagonist: First, I'd like to say, thank you all for coming
[14:07:58] Hiro Protagonist: Korgi Silvercloud, a question for you: are you wearing a child avatar
[14:08:39] Korgi Silvercloud: yes, however the town meetings are open to all avatars as it is a discussion of all grid matters, i was confirmed that all are welcome at town hall meetings
[14:08:40] Marc User is Online
[14:08:47] Adelle Fitzgerald: hey Dirk
[14:08:59] Dirk Mathers: hello
[14:09:01] Talla Slade: hi Dorothea and Samira
[14:09:04] Samira Samtanko: hello
[14:09:08] Hiro Protagonist: I'll set the policy on who is welcome and who is not thatnk you
[14:09:10] Dorothea Lundquist: good evening all Smile
[14:09:11] Vivienne Clary: huhuu doro
[14:09:14] Vivienne Clary: huhuu Samira
[14:09:16] Dorothea Lundquist: thank you Kahn Smile
[14:09:20] Hiro Protagonist: get an adult avatar on or see your way out
[14:09:25] George Equus: Hi Doro
[14:09:28] Kahn Khalim: your welcome
[14:09:33] Kahn Khalim: and here we go again
[14:09:37] Hiro Protagonist: quiet please
[14:09:39] Amy Storm: Hi, Dorothea, Smile
[14:09:55] Hiro Protagonist: first, thank you all for coming.
[14:10:55] Hiro Protagonist: There are some items on the agenda, I'll be covering them in order.
[14:11:20] FRANK MARTINEZ is Online
[14:11:25] Hiro Protagonist: There will be no comments or Q&A today, I just walked in the door from aa very unpleasant road trip.
[14:11:39] Hiro Protagonist: 5 hours of driveing werent the worst of it by far.
[14:11:56] Hiro Protagonist: Today I will be distributing two ploicies.
[14:12:03] Hiro Protagonist: These policies are proposals.
[14:12:34] Hiro Protagonist: It is my desire that you carry them away, share tem with others, review and forward any comments or concerns to me in a notecard
[14:12:50] Hiro Protagonist: We hope to settle on some firm variation of them after next week.
[14:14:32] Hiro Protagonist: There have been some concerns that with the new changes we have made and continue to implement with respect to the greeting group. Essentially, I've hijacked that group, put it iin the hands of a capable and expereinced customer service person (Amy Storm), and turned that into a rther professional operation. It's yielding great results in terms of new user retention.
[14:14:43] Pixel Tomsen is Online
[14:14:48] Boxster Karu is Offline
[14:14:52] Hiro Protagonist: That said, we realize that this has probably stepped on a few toes, and I wish to clarify position on that.
[14:15:15] Bernhard Ansar is Online
[14:15:37] Hiro Protagonist: What we've taken to ourselves as a professional responsibilty is actually the handling of new users. We simply want to give them a swift, efficient hand in getting themselves outfitted and ready for life on the grid.
[14:15:51] Hiro Protagonist: We really dont wish to dissuade anyone from being friendly, saying hello, etc
[14:16:03] Hiro Protagonist: or even helping each other, actually
[14:16:21] Hiro Protagonist: thats one of the great things about our grid -- we all help each other.
[14:16:55] Hiro Protagonist: So one of the position pieces we have for you today clarifies that new change, and establishes policy in that regard.
[14:17:29] Hiro Protagonist: We'll be getting that out to you in a group notice shortly, I believe. There is nothing terribly heinous about it, afaict.
[14:18:14] Fearghus McMahon: sorry i know not taking questions...but which group i join for that?
[14:18:33] Hiro Protagonist: The townhall meeting group)
[14:18:49] Hiro Protagonist: someone please extend Fearghus an invite Smile
[14:18:57] Fearghus McMahon: thanks Smile
[14:19:05] FRANK MARTINEZ is Offline
[14:19:08] Truelie Ellen: invite me too, please
[14:19:15] stiofain nbmcmedia: me too
[14:19:16] Hiro Protagonist: There is no more single devisive issue on the grid than the presence of child avatars.
[14:19:20] Hiro Protagonist: sorry, fat fingers
[14:19:38] Angel McCloud is Online
[14:19:45] Hiro Protagonist: In spite of the noise and level of drama, I have paid attention to the views of all of you.
[14:19:50] Meg Amp: INVITE PLEASE
[14:19:52] Hiro Protagonist: Do I agree with all positions? no.
[14:20:00] Meg Amp: sorry caps
[14:20:01] Hiro Protagonist: Do I appreciate the drama? absolutely not.
[14:20:22] Angel McCloud is Offline
[14:20:22] Key Gruin: There is a group joiner prim here
[14:20:33] dan banner: cant join or open groups here
[14:20:37] Key Gruin: oh
[14:20:40] dan banner: send me a Im afterwards
[14:20:43] Hiro Protagonist: That said, there are sufficient numbers of you out there who have approached me and discussed this issue calmly and reasonably and we have come to some positions I think that, most of us at least, will be comfortable with.
[14:20:48] dan banner: if you cant find it
[14:20:52] Hiro Protagonist: akkk sorry I forgot about that
[14:21:08] Hiro Protagonist: we had to close down groups for stability reasons.
[14:21:08] Dorothea Lundquist: groups off probably
[14:21:20] Hiro Protagonist: please, let me do the talking.
[14:21:25] Malon W. is Offline
[14:21:37] LyAvain Swansong is Online
[14:21:39] Dorothea Lundquist: yes sir Smile
[14:21:47] Hiro Protagonist: Thank you.
[14:22:06] Hiro Protagonist: The last thing I will talk about today is the new LBSA Plaza build.
[14:22:57] Hiro Protagonist: Some of you may have seen the new builod taking place on my studio region, Tempest.
[14:23:39] Hiro Protagonist: It is a complete departure from the current build -- it is literally desinged as a place to meet with friends and break off into what we used to call 'breakout sessions' in the corporate world.
[14:23:54] Mario Lane is Offline
[14:24:06] Hiro Protagonist: these sessions are so called because they allow small groups to 'break out' and have their own little meetings or gatherings.
[14:24:40] Nebadon Izumi: isnt the point of Lbsa plaza to be a place for everyone to be together in one spot?
[14:24:50] Hiro Protagonist: finally, to wrap up, this build comes into play with another new item; that is, we will be opening the Welcome Station as the default landing zone.
[14:24:55] Hiro Protagonist: Here's how that will work
[14:25:34] Hiro Protagonist: any user who does not specify a destination at login will arrive there. Shortly after, if the users is not a 'newb', the user will then be teleported to one of the plazas at random.
[14:25:50] Hiro Protagonist: a 'newb' will be dfined as anyone less than 30 days old.
[14:26:03] Bernhard Ansar is Online
[14:26:03] Hiro Protagonist: The exception of course, being officially sponsored greeters.
[14:26:06] Rafaella Docherty is Offline
[14:27:06] Hiro Protagonist: in closing, I'd like to point out that OSgrid is a community made up of many communities that have different ways of living here but common goals. I appreciate your coming. Please get me notecard feedback regarding the proposed policies and items for next week's meeting.
[14:27:19] Hiro Protagonist: Thanks and I'll see you right here next week.
[14:27:33] Hiro Protagonist waves
[14:27:45] Michael Skelito: hmmm
[14:27:46] Marc User: hu
[14:27:57] Wordfromthe Wise: bad hair day ?
[14:27:59] Michael Skelito: what Neb said
[14:28:01] Jeeper Shim: wow
[14:28:07] Jalen Optera: Hiro has a family emergency
[14:28:10] Adelle Fitzgerald: wasnt as entertaining as last week Sad
[14:28:21] Michael Skelito: what Neb said
[14:28:35] Adelle Fitzgerald: put your answers on a postcard!
[14:28:41] Adelle Fitzgerald: umm notecard
[14:28:57] Talla Slade: well, that was short and sweet. I will get away then. Bye all
[14:29:00] Dorothea Lundquist: first i need to figure out what exactly he was talking about, sorry I am english
[14:29:08] Dorothea Lundquist: not english pfff
[14:29:20] Lucy Afarensis: I guess I will read the log later
[14:29:32] Kahn Khalim: yeah, a bit late lucy.. :/
[14:29:39] Talla Slade is Offline
[14:29:42] Michael Skelito: why do I feel we are in shock?
[14:30:00] Adelle Fitzgerald: not shock per se, im more stunned
[14:30:06] Jake Feden: I feel like i am being taken over by a military general
[14:30:15] Nebadon Izumi: well like Jalen said Hiro has family emergency he had to attend to
[14:30:15] Wordfromthe Wise: yes sir °
[14:30:15] Jeeper Shim: agreed.. stunned
[14:30:24] Nebadon Izumi: thats why he was in and out so fast today
[14:30:34] Allen Kerensky: that's the smell of "meeting facilitation"
[14:30:37] Dorothea Lundquist: oke Smile we need to consider that yes
[14:30:43] Michael Skelito: new LSBA sounds wrong
[14:30:53] albertlr Landar: Well if I may, the organization of the Board is proceeding.
[14:31:04] Amy Storm: Michael, talk to him.
[14:31:08] George Equus: corporate slant to it all...
[14:31:14] Michael Skelito: I want to see it first
[14:31:15] Adelle Fitzgerald: thats good to hear, albertir
[14:31:25] Jeeper Shim: yeah. breaking up lbsa so you can go into little private groups is bad
[14:31:27] dan banner: its in tempest
[14:31:30] Dorothea Lundquist: good news Smile
[14:31:30] Jeeper Shim: imho
[14:31:34] Jake Feden: I agree. LBSA has been a place to meet others in one central location
[14:31:34] albertlr Landar: There will be a formal organization to everything.
[14:31:36] Nebadon Izumi: ya we'll talk more about Lbsa Plaza
[14:31:43] Shelann Morane: Come on people OSG is a gift! if we don't suppoert it We loose it!
[14:31:43] albertlr Landar: I can promise that I will see to that.
[14:32:13] Dorothea Lundquist: sorry perhaps I misunderstood... yo
Ich hab selten so einen kranken Kerl als Admin gesehen. Brauch sich nicht wundern wenn das OSgrid dann in die bedeutungslosigkeit geht. Hoffe nur das das OS Projekt ansich nicht gefährdet ist. Für mich hat so eine Person auf meinen Regionen keinen Zutritt. Dodgy
Echt irre... Kommt, motzt einen Kinderava an, kickt ihn von der Region und will dann über den "neuen" LBSA reden während das Grid brennt... Confused
DeReOS Grid -
Vorallen dann so auf Freundlich tun, glaube der OSgrid link auf meiner Standalone kommt wieder weg. Zumindest wird er nicht mehr direkt zum LBSA Plaza führen. Hoffe vorallen das es keine Nachahmer in anderen Grids gibt. Undecided

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